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<Hammerhead> Just my opinion but that seems a little too griefable
<Valar|AFK> and powerful
<Hammerhead> unless these were new gates
* Rhae[out] perks
<Oveur> There are no capturable jumpgates coming up, the only scenario where we are considering capturable - as in conquerable jumpgates - and still with quite limited control, is for something like Constellation Sovereignty
<Redundancy> We were throwing around the idea of twinned starbase structures where you could jump between them though
<kieron> Something along that line is going down with Titans anyways, just not a permanent fixture.
<Oveur> So limited control would be like against war declared corps etc.
<Oveur> Yeah, Titans have a jumpate portal kind of thing slated for them
<Oveur> But no relinking of current gates or anything of that sorts coming, at most, current gate control would be limited to protecting your constellation
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