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<Oveur> It has always been better to gang up in EVE, this is nothing new
<Oveur> The gang skills and modules are already on tranquility, the usage of them is quite low (which is actually due to a number of reasons) but it's not affecting the behavior to any large extent
<Oveur> since afterall, blobbing is not exactly new either
<Hammerhead> Something I'd like to do is improve the gang UI and add subgroups or "squads". Then we could give certain bonuses to the smaller groups in the larger gang
<Oveur> Short term, both small and large gangs will benefit from increased defenses, stacking nerf aims to minimize the ganka setups and if the only defense smaller groups had against larger gangs is ganka setups (since you mention the stacking nerf) this change in itself is not the problem
<Oveur> And long term, like Hammer pointed out, we still have formations coming in
<Oveur> they will be limited in numbers
<Oveur> well, squad bonuses first, then formations
<Hammerhead> Also diminishing returns on certain command modules the more you have in your gang is something we've talked about. So you would want multiple smaller squads
<Oveur> especially advanced stuff where you pay a penalty in X to achieve a high Y bonus, meaning you really dont want a gang of 5 frigs and 5 battleships together since the gang bonuses that benefit frigs the most would draw back the battleships the most
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