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MFESLordNugget > id drag my balls through a mile of broken glass to hear an australian woman fart through a walkie talkie
riverini > **German Giggles!** ^^
Minigin > i thought my gimmick was shit till i saw yours
Rockerguy 101 > cool man, I've never seen a titan
Count Austheim > Well then, step into my bedroom
Durethia > Ktog
KTog Juriss > yes?
Durethia > your homies are always trying to kill my ship :(
KTog Juriss > Yea, we love everyone explosivly.
Durethia > makes me feel warm
Durethia > WAIT
Durethia > ktog Sofai molested my ship
Durethia > I come here to complain about my 0.0 ventures :)
Jagaroth > how do you add cynos to overview? cant find the right item
N1fty > beacons?
ZarnieWoop > beacons
Jagaroth > is that it. ok. thx
N1fty > mmmm bacons
Kybers > bacon sarnie- ah yes plz
Jagaroth > what about a bacon zarnie?
Wolfman122 > blt toastie? Yes plz
N1fty > bacon zarnie is a bit tough
Screaming Blade > ....My dog farted...20 secconds later my eyes began t owater....30 secconds....i heard the neibors ask "Was that you honey"
Animora > domi warps fast?
Galadriela > yeah it's relatively quick to align and enter warp :)
Screaming Blade > because its so scared of that mirror
Nordstern3 > getting a blow job while killing Shrike's titan in a Hel would be the most epic win possible
Screaming Blade > im in a class 5 wormhole with no combat ships
Screaming Blade > i feel special
Screaming Blade > Mining barge, check, orca, check, tower and parts, check, scan frigs, check, millions of probes, check, beer, check, combat ships...HURR WHO NEEEDS THOSE
Ryan Brabovski > I was just cooking some chicken and I cut into it to see if it was done, and I was like "oh yeah, that's done. Done like dinner. ....wait, that IS dinner" XD
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