omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
MIkhail Illiad > stabs :(
MIkhail Illiad > everytime you use stabs a kitten dies!!!
* The Jackyl accidently reprocessed his cloak
Feng Schui > eeeeeeek
Ciocal > prototype i hope?
The Jackyl > ja
Paranoxis > heh
Paranoxis > premature reprocessation
Cadela Fria > http://shadowdane.shackspace.com/cats_files/cookie.jpg
Chrysalis Kashaar > that is sooooooo fuckin cute
Devilish Ledoux > Cadela and Kashaar have been penalized 500 man points
Cadela Fria > FuX0r!
Cadela Fria > How many do I have left?
Chrysalis Kashaar > -499
Talaris EveningStar > Anyone doing anything that is interesting and not a mission?
Dangermouse DM > I'm hauling missiles
Talaris EveningStar > DM: That's not even *remotely* interesting :)
Dangermouse DM > it's interesting for the missiles, they've never been out of system before
Dangermouse DM > I'm showing them the wonders of eve and lonetrek before some heartless bastard buys them off me and hurls them into the tailpipe of the nearest gurista battleship, whereupon they will explode, dying in a fiery inferno
Davion Vrynn > That was very depressing
Dangermouse DM > just spare a thought for your humble ammo, what a good job they do sacrificing themselves so that we may complain about the salvage off these new missions
Ebon Nexus > I play too much Eve
Ebon Nexus > I was watching star wars the other night, the episode where they're on the ice planet and the empire invades
Ebon Nexus > and I'm watching, kinda half paying attention and doing other stuff, when they fly the fighter right at the walking tank, and it takes a laser in the grill and pops
Ebon Nexus > and the first thought in my mind was "wtf? You gotta flank that shit and keep your transversal up, newb!" =(
Galhadrias > Sitting in the dark on EVE, with my desk fan on full in the other corner of the room
Galhadrias > A really small bit of fluff must have blown on to my face, I thought it was a spider, I saw it out the corner of my eye and the fluff looked like legs
Galhadrias > I tried to grab it but it blew a bit lower onto my neck and I thought it'd crawled down my shirt
Galhadrias > I've never screamed so much in my god damned life
Galhadrias > ...
Galhadrias > it's a bit of white fluff form my duvet
Noctis Era > ISD Gsilver how do you reload ammo, i can't put these missiles into my rail guns.. i want to go pew pew
morphriz > *yawn*
morphriz > wow.. my ship is on fire... interesting..
Lareck Kceral > Where are you? :p
morphriz > in station now...
morphriz > no fire here :)
morphriz > I was at 15% structure from a fight yday.. so fire.. :)
Lareck Kceral > Once i docked burning with 2% oh Hull, because of light rogue drones **ashamed**
Lareck Kceral > *of
Andrael Whitecrow > lareck Kceral's mjolnir torpedoe hits spider drone II for 0.1 damage
fushi yasha > i cant even afford free porn :(
*Discrodia says WTF and goes back to training for his Keres
obzyuk > ouch
Discrodia > should have it in about three weeks
Discrodia > 4 if you count everything else I'll need
Discrodia > then the next expansion will be out and I'll be fucked
obzyuk > yeh ull need a proper fitting for that ship
Discrodia > Yuppers
Discrodia > might as well wait for TIII and pray the gallente ones look good
Discrodia > if not, paint it white and say it's a ghost
obzyuk > lol
obzyuk > dont need to many skills to be a ghost
Discrodia > just cloaking and EWAR
Discrodia > Then they think their ships are haunted
Discrodia > wooooooo your ship doesn't have enough keys to lock woooooooo
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