omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
<spiralJunkie> you did send me a pic
<spiralJunkie> #but i did not open it
<spiralJunkie> in case i catch smalldickitis
<NTRabbit> you cant catch it twice spiral
<NTRabbit> so you'll be ok
* NTRabbit receives the oscar for perfectly timed burns
Captain Lock > Lasers should... not do em damage
Captain Lock > Seriously, do they give out electromagnetic pulses in RL?
YapYup > yo i got wife hassles atm o.O i should be right back
YapYup > shes decided she wants a conversation so i gotta pay attention =(
CrayC > YapYup, just add a CSPA charge....
YapYup > crayc, i did but the bill seems to end up on 'my' credit card :p
Count Basie > I am really starting to regret having vent on speaker
Count Basie > once you sent the phrase 'masturbational circumference' out the window and onto the city streets, all bets are off
Orihalcon Vallinar > Hello
Orihalcon Vallinar > I'm new
Orihalcon Vallinar > please don't kill me
Orihalcon Vallinar > I will be sad
Alexander Armstrong > -_- Noob! this aint world of warcraft 1....2 you only die here if you piss people off, steal shit, or have a 2.8 bill isk BPO in your hold. simple
Sathyr Soleis > LFG high sec suicide gank on Alexander
Sathyr Soleis > Need healer and tank
Alexander Armstrong > yay i love susicide ganks
Sathyr Soleis > need 5k gear score
Sathyr Soleis > no druids
October Tsukiko > DAMNIT
iggsterC > barqs did you know by nosing this asteroid it acts like a miner
drakonarik > lol
Barqs > lol not really :D
iggsterC > try it
Barqs > what do you mean looks like a miner?
iggsterC > it mines
drakonarik > ACTS
Barqs > what??
Barqs > It pulls ore no way
iggsterC > yeah
iggsterC > its a big with revalations
drakonarik > hmm... i've got to try thaty
Barqs > how much how fast?
iggsterC > how much your nos
drakonarik > specially in my vex
iggsterC > <url=showinfo:16501//947674406>E500 Prototype Energy Vampire</url>
Ithalia > how much you getting per cycle?
Barqs > how much ore is it pulling?
Barqs > how fast?
Kelter Highfire > how much
iggsterC > 125 every 20secs
Kelter Highfire > how fast
Ithalia > HOLY SHIT
Ithalia > per 1 NOS!?!?!
Barqs > link the ore
iggsterC > yes
drakonarik > ha ha they are thinking of switchting to that!
Barqs > Like the ore
drakonarik > sweet my vex is gonna be a fuckin awesome miner!
iggsterC > its awesome
Evanda Char > Is anyone else watching Countdown right now?
Evanda Char > I swear it's in NetSpeek tonight
Garion Avarr > Don't know what it is
Evanda Char > It's a show in the UK where contestants are given a random assortment of letters and try to spell the longest word they can
Evanda Char > So far tonight, I've managed to spell
Evanda Char > RETARDS
Evanda Char > SMACKER
Evanda Char > And LAMEWAD
Evanda Char > which I'm especially happy with
Ava Starfire > We need a piglet and a body condom
<&Hammerhead> kieron is the community manager
<+Viceroy> i thought pann was the community manager?
<&Hammerhead> when was the last time you saw pann post on the forums?
[Knoi Den] if you self destruct.. do you survive or do you go down with the ship?
[Bodestone] do you get bonuses f you go down on anytthing/one?
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