omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Mattias Kerensky > damnit
Mattias Kerensky > that doesn't bode well for today
Mattias Kerensky > logged in, warped to a target
Mattias Kerensky Kill: Mattias Kerensky (Slasher)
Mattias Kerensky > dem rails, couldn't keep tansversal up :(
Jokus Balim > From his bio, after google translate:
Jokus Balim > Feel yourself a beast in his home district of the three houses, where people in the head if not empty, then in any grindcore or porn where so many guys already ponalomali firewood in and out of the house you're ready for anything.
Mattias Kerensky > dafuq
Ciba Lexlulu > ?!?!?
Jokus Balim > You see? It's all about the ponalomali firewood. The stakes were against you.
Ciba Lexlulu > kids.. that is what drug will do to you... dont do drug
Mattias Kerensky > Yeah, I believe that gives you 10% to ROF
Micheal JJ > [ISK Spamming Rubbish]
Keydn's Woe > Wow, a spammer with a name that doesn't look like he bashed his head into a keyboard. They are getting clever
Azia Burgi > petitioned
Jorgen Jorgensen > What? Michael Jackson is an isk spammer now?
Azia Burgi > he is alive and living in china selling fake money to idiots
Azia Burgi > with elvis
Xanandu > im bored and hungry
etsat > no food makes xanadu less understandable?
McBarnacle > he can't have eaten much since he joined corp then
lanyaie > they can nerf everything in eve but they can't nerf stupid.
Anthony Redstone > Hi people i am an recruit and want a job give me one and you willl be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dankster > ok
Dankster > i have a job for u
Dankster > /emote drops pants
CanisNubilus > O_O
Andreus Ixiris > Shut the fuck up I can't FC with a hardon
Arson Monkey > OC and evol of old had a rivalry
Arson Monkey > OC kicked ass... and Evol was always 5 steps behind them watching
Arson Monkey > btw, RAM is made up mostly of old school stain alliance guys...
Arson Monkey > where most of bob learned to fight
Arson Monkey > that or the curse alliance, the SA's old enemy
Drake Arson > Think I jsut pissed someone off...
Arson Monkey > nope
Arson Monkey > alot old timers just have thier soap box issues
Arson Monkey > you'de hear the oppsosite coming from evol guys
Drake Arson > heh
Arson Monkey > course, they only think they are great cause they are still around
Arson Monkey > but then, so are opossums
Bregan Anzor > Well, that does count for something, right?
Arson Monkey > not really
Arson Monkey > just look at the little critters
Arson Monkey > and how dumb they are
Arson Monkey > the opossums, not evol
Gangus > cop: well sir: "Generic Police Cruiser hits with Radar S for $574 damage to your wallet and 2 bonus points to your license"
Sampanion > Dude watch the DPS.
Ezraniel > You're telling me? You're in the 600 DPS gank monster, i'm the noob in a Thorax.
Sampanion > Yeah but you're the one shooting.
Ezraniel > Semantics.
ScoRpS > i dunno wether to enforce a local stfu or block u all and pretend it aint happenin
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