mii'yoggi > this game is shit, i been flyin toward station for over 30 mins now still not there yet!! how do i make spaceship go faster?
Hokar Corban > try to warp
Hokar Corban > try to warp
Piuro > Heh, I got bluescreened in the middle of a Rogue Drone mission and lost my drones.
Piuro > When I came back, they had killed all but one rogue drone and were just sitting there.
Piuro > My drones did better then my cruiser.
Piuro > When I came back, they had killed all but one rogue drone and were just sitting there.
Piuro > My drones did better then my cruiser.
Fungus Amongus > eh, who needs ammo anyway
AKA KillSwitch > LOL shooooting blanks wil get you nowhare
Fungus Amongus > thats what she said
AKA KillSwitch > LOL shooooting blanks wil get you nowhare
Fungus Amongus > thats what she said
stonewolf1 > hello all. young padiwan here, looking to learn all about whiskey, women and factional warfare
yhu > stonewolf1 rule number 1
yhu > there are no rules
yhu > stonewolf1 rules number two, STRIVLY FOLLOW RULE NUMBER 1. RULE 3, refer to rules 53-66...
stonewolf1 > thats to many rules to remember
Richard Desorul > always strivly .... never forget
Estella Osoka > first rule of fight club.....
Dante Fachis > only one rule to remember - always carry your 780-page rulebook with you at all times
Dev Reaper > now available in pdf format for your phone
yhu > stonewolf1 rule number 1
yhu > there are no rules
yhu > stonewolf1 rules number two, STRIVLY FOLLOW RULE NUMBER 1. RULE 3, refer to rules 53-66...
stonewolf1 > thats to many rules to remember
Richard Desorul > always strivly .... never forget
Estella Osoka > first rule of fight club.....
Dante Fachis > only one rule to remember - always carry your 780-page rulebook with you at all times
Dev Reaper > now available in pdf format for your phone
Sir Skyler > got to go duty calls!!! somebody thinks they are dying.... be back in a few hrs.
Lerato Crenlon > k, be safe!
An hour passes...
Sir Skyler > incase you wanted to know he was DOA.
Lerato Crenlon > so he had a good guess
Lerato Crenlon > you should take him to Vegas... oh wait.
Lerato Crenlon > k, be safe!
An hour passes...
Sir Skyler > incase you wanted to know he was DOA.
Lerato Crenlon > so he had a good guess
Lerato Crenlon > you should take him to Vegas... oh wait.
zombu2 > The Clown War Is Coming .. HONK HONK BITCH
kroniksenvy > imready
zombu2 > for the honking or the war ... you know we gonna be needing armys of ppl that honk all the time
zombu2 > so ask yourself .... are you a honky?
Mark Syrus > lol
kroniksenvy > i honk causeim horny
zombu2 > so you are a honky? if yes i need to know so we can add you to the honky list
kroniksenvy > mos def
zombu2 > great
zombu2 > lemme just add you to the honky list
zombu2 > woudl you like to leave a comment on why you feel you are a honky?
zombu2 > i can put that in the comment table on my exel sheet
zombu2 > hello?
kroniksenvy > imready
zombu2 > for the honking or the war ... you know we gonna be needing armys of ppl that honk all the time
zombu2 > so ask yourself .... are you a honky?
Mark Syrus > lol
kroniksenvy > i honk causeim horny
zombu2 > so you are a honky? if yes i need to know so we can add you to the honky list
kroniksenvy > mos def
zombu2 > great
zombu2 > lemme just add you to the honky list
zombu2 > woudl you like to leave a comment on why you feel you are a honky?
zombu2 > i can put that in the comment table on my exel sheet
zombu2 > hello?
Splendorfire > Have you ever wondered why the last vestages of mission fleets don't warp away when they see that one single ship has destroyed 30 of their friends in a matter of minutes?
Korbin Morrighan > false hope?
Splendorfire > or poor programming. One of those i'm sure
Korbin Morrighan > i like hope better
Splendorfire > me too
Korbin Morrighan > false hope?
Splendorfire > or poor programming. One of those i'm sure
Korbin Morrighan > i like hope better
Splendorfire > me too
Olixia Castitatis > yay I found my joystick.
Nova Satar > never say that again
Nova Satar > never say that again
Levaria > whats a good crusader loadout?
Alz Shado > one warhorse, one large shield, one lance, one tabbard, two squires, and a holy grail
Suicul > no rabbits?
Mantorian > You're gonna need a minstrel too
Alz Shado > one warhorse, one large shield, one lance, one tabbard, two squires, and a holy grail
Suicul > no rabbits?
Mantorian > You're gonna need a minstrel too
Tinglestaff > Yep.
Azia Burgi > i'm curious...
Morat Starhopper > 19 mins for l1 here
Azia Burgi > does your staff actually tingle?
Tinglestaff > Oh...um...that. Well, it's a LONG story <pun>...
* Morat Starhopper looks at Azia askance
Morat Starhopper > some chat up line Azia :P
Silas Novacejk > hehe
Tinglestaff > Acutally... I'm a Friar.
Azia Burgi > /emote looks all innocent
Morat Starhopper > lols yes
Azia Burgi > i see
MrShooter > I wonder... If you had a cargohold full of tribbles and went into lowsec or 0.0, would anyone want to shoot you? Or would it be too cruel?
Azia Burgi > and friar's staffs tingle?
Tinglestaff > Staff wepon and all. :) A legacy name from, you guessed it, DAOC
Azia Burgi > ...
Tinglestaff > Heh heh... I don't think I like where this is going. :)
Morat Starhopper > just dont let aZIA catch you alone
* Azia Burgi maintains her innocent look
Tinglestaff > <looks around nervously>
* Morat Starhopper hands azia an emmy
Tinglestaff > <checks the locks on the door>
Azia Burgi > i heard they had ointment for tingle staff
Morat Starhopper > ols
Morat Starhopper > lols
Tinglestaff > I knew this would spiral out of control. :)
Azia Burgi > he isn't coming near me if his staff tingles
Morat Starhopper > Nurse Azia ....
Azia Burgi > piss
Azia Burgi > off
Morat Starhopper > :P
Azia Burgi > i'm curious...
Morat Starhopper > 19 mins for l1 here
Azia Burgi > does your staff actually tingle?
Tinglestaff > Oh...um...that. Well, it's a LONG story <pun>...
* Morat Starhopper looks at Azia askance
Morat Starhopper > some chat up line Azia :P
Silas Novacejk > hehe
Tinglestaff > Acutally... I'm a Friar.
Azia Burgi > /emote looks all innocent
Morat Starhopper > lols yes
Azia Burgi > i see
MrShooter > I wonder... If you had a cargohold full of tribbles and went into lowsec or 0.0, would anyone want to shoot you? Or would it be too cruel?
Azia Burgi > and friar's staffs tingle?
Tinglestaff > Staff wepon and all. :) A legacy name from, you guessed it, DAOC
Azia Burgi > ...
Tinglestaff > Heh heh... I don't think I like where this is going. :)
Morat Starhopper > just dont let aZIA catch you alone
* Azia Burgi maintains her innocent look
Tinglestaff > <looks around nervously>
* Morat Starhopper hands azia an emmy
Tinglestaff > <checks the locks on the door>
Azia Burgi > i heard they had ointment for tingle staff
Morat Starhopper > ols
Morat Starhopper > lols
Tinglestaff > I knew this would spiral out of control. :)
Azia Burgi > he isn't coming near me if his staff tingles
Morat Starhopper > Nurse Azia ....
Azia Burgi > piss
Azia Burgi > off
Morat Starhopper > :P