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Kegstand Mcfarland > Ya well that stuff happens 24/7 usually if you ask em to stop they do.
Shadow XII > 'Ask him to stop'? I negotiate with Tachyons.
Duckeye > I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie
M3ta7h3ad > If you cause our corp to lose due to isk... we'll beat you with an itreon IV
Tratarr valkyrie > DON'T BEAT ME, I'll GET AN ERECTION.
Animactus: Hey guess what?
Mr. Abadi: what?
Animactus: I will be in a Retriever by this weekend
Mr. Abadi: coolio.
Animactus: Despite my love for shooting things. hmm....i guess il just imagine im pulling the hull off a ship
Mr. Abadi: made of rock
Animactus: Shhhh!!! your wrecking my delusions!
Asbalon Jade > either parts is really friggen high... I just died... or I lost the last marble in my bag... of all three...
High Sierra > you had marbles?
Partsking > Could be a mix of all.
Partsking > Asbalon.
Asbalon Jade > if its a mix.... next thing you know I'll get the urge to huff c320 gas again...
Partsking > Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
Asbalon Jade > just let me grab my stinger missle launcher and they'll be better than shooting stars...
Partsking > :D
Asbalon Jade > they even scream while flying to earth...
WNxWolfy > Make a wish kids!
Ar Marr > stinger missile launcer? what happened to the teddy bear launcers?
Ruban Spangler > o/
WNxWolfy > Rocket propelled chainsaw ftw
Asbalon Jade > that just shows you how stupified I am roland...
Ar Marr > hey ruban
Asbalon Jade > Never would of thought to seeya here again
High Sierra > you know why they have lifejackets on planes?
Ruban Spangler > anything exciting in GW right now?
WNxWolfy > Sierra > For safety regulations?
High Sierra > nope
WNxWolfy > No, nothing at all ruban. Nothing at all. No ships to shoot, nothing.
Partsking > Roland came back, though. o/
WNxWolfy > Who's roland
Ruban Spangler > i'll see if I can fix my R&D agents then
Asbalon Jade > still cant believe it...
High Sierra > its so if the plane comes down and by chance its heading to a mountain, all the passengers can inflate them, throw them at the mountain and scream 'GO AWAY NASTY MOUNTAIN'
High Sierra > true that
Asbalon Jade > ya know for a moment I thought you were going to say they could all go indiana jones on the mointain...
High Sierra > now that would be silly
] Asbalon Jade > nah.. it'd be fun to watch..
Asbalon Jade > "weeeeehhhh!" *thud* "wheeeeee!" *thud* .....
Asbalon Jade > boy am i dark today...
Strike Seventeen > wouldnt it just be "thud" and then a people shaped hole in the ground?
WNxWolfy > Lolwat
Asbalon Jade > depends how long they take between them jumping and hitting the mountain...
High Sierra > have you ever hit a cow with a shovel?
High Sierra > its sounds like that
WNxWolfy > .......
WNxWolfy > Don't think I have
High Sierra > you should try it
Ar Marr > gotta deal with rl for a bit... afk... i'll def be back later this evening
High Sierra > tbh if you havent hit a cow with a shovel then you havent lived
Belatrix Ventox > or cow tipping
Asbalon Jade > so kind of like a ... fleshy thud followed by an angry moo?
High Sierra > well on
High Sierra > no
High Sierra > cows dont really get angry
High Sierra > startled
Strike Seventeen > they get even?
High Sierra > cows are good at startled
Chian Dorado > Chick-fil-A cows do
High Sierra > and staring
WNxWolfy > I eh
jahamesh neutron > mmm chick-fil-a
WNxWolfy > I think I'm just going to continue flying with the fleet.
High Sierra > nothing like a good stare from a cow to make you feel uncomfortable
High Sierra > or slightly turned on
Strike Seventeen > and decorating my dinner plate with ribeyes
WNxWolfy > Right.
Strike Seventeen > thats it, 22 degrees be damned, im firing up the grill tonight
High Sierra > there used to be this one cow in the field at the back of my dads place
High Sierra > lovely eyes
WNxWolfy > Oh god
Partsking > /emote steps away from HS.
WNxWolfy > I er
WNxWolfy > I think it's better if we shut sierra up now
Partsking > or....pix plz?
High Sierra > what?
High Sierra > dont tell me you've never looked into those depthless bown eyes
High Sierra > and found yourself touching your nipples
Partsking > lmao
WNxWolfy > .....
WNxWolfy > No, I've never.
Asbalon Jade > and you guys were EVER afraid of me.. yeah.. right...
<Ulviirala> Look at your beer, now look at me, look back at your beer, now back at me, you could drink that beer if you were me. Now look back at your beer, your beer is now empty. I'm in a bar.
Kael Jorensen > Dodixie local is the Jerry Springer Show of the EvE universe
Waci > You don't fap while missioning
Waci > You're supposed to save that for large fleet ops
Sister Milani > The term 'web developer' always reminds me of a spider. :
Daza Vyndre > lol
Azia Burgi > heheh
Soras Evadon > hmm...shooting threads from your ass for a living
Soras Evadon > sounds fun
Azia Burgi > :s
Soras Evadon > how to kill a chat 101: use a reference that could only be goatse, but worse
Lake >
Kesper North > oh god it figures that test space looks like a dong.
Shangpo > The "wang" of Fountain?
Chris Rittenhouse > I'll show you a fountain from my wang Shangpo....
Chris Rittenhouse > :quadmire:
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