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NobodyHolme > /emote tries to ressurect it by spanking taya in the middle of the channel
Karanth > got me under intimidating...
Taya Dentano > /emote moans
DarkBloodRain > /emote takes pictures
Taya Dentano > /emote goes back to tryin to remove the "property of duckeye" tattoo
Duckeye > /emote kicks holme in the head and handcuffs taya and walks away with his property
NobodyHolme > :(
Taya Dentano > /emote crys for holme
Duckeye > get yer own!
Urian Kandor > Yup
Urian Kandor > Has anyone ever created Eve online porn
Urian Kandor > I'd like to see that
Urian Kandor > Some hot Amarrian chicks
Marco Redwolf > ...
Urian Kandor > And if i see taht on omgrawr tomorrow i'm gunna rage
Urian Kandor > With my boner from amarrian porn
cocobutter > but i like big butts.... i cannot lie : )
Fennisair > oh so you're a rupture pilot then?
Fennisair > i bet watching it fly around gives you a broad-sword!
rubberducky > golem has a tp bonus
accusedmonk > bonus to toilet paper?
HellzDuDe > Probably, the only thing golems are good for is wiping your ass with
Ulviirala Vauryndar > So every time my EVE/Aura says "The asteroid is depleted" I laugh like Peter Griffin from Family Guy ☻
Groganus Haroldfield > erin davis is trying to warp scramble me
Groganus Haroldfield > does that mean he is trying to make me breakfast?
Cadeyrn Tsutola > Took my mouse to the toilet, left it there and couldnt remember where I put it.
<scuzzy> sheesh. I just ate dinner and lunch plowed out of my asshole like a freight train through a snow drift
<scuzzy> was afraid I was gonna die for a moment.
<Lancer> jesus tmi dude
Elienore > I'd do the corp infiltration/theft if given an opportunity, and I'm not a cruel person in RL :l
DarkBloodRain > /emote shoves ice cream in pollip's face
Pollip > since I will never have the opportunity to say this again:
Pollip > /emote was just creamed in the face by DBR
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