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<Batolemaeus> i doubt there are many not-eve players in this game
<Osprey> never played eve
<Silent Oak> And your name is Osprey? TROL!
Makmit > Who's the fleet tool?
hemimaori > u are
Lord Malketh > lol
qckrnu > not funny to laugh at a tool LM
Lord Malketh > tools are used for constructive purposes
Makmit > Except when they don't work
qckrnu > you bring up a good point
Lord Malketh > no, thats user error
qckrnu > and makmit, you are meant to be defending yourself
AidSpaid: nikee would probably blow his own sister for a fully fitted titan.
nikeeee: Spaid, you DON'T want to know what I'd blow for a fully fitted titan.
Hydro9 > ty sir
Lina Fayette > yvw
Hydro9 > o.O ty lady*
Hydro9 > :)
Lina Fayette > :-)
Captain Zone > A.... real lady... in EVE? o0
Roc Marcellus > one of life's many great mysteries
Captain Zone > Nah. Can't be. Probably Interpol or FBI or MI5 or something. lol
VelvetKevorkian Tsukaya > Spoilers, it's really a guy.
Lina Fayette > shush, i was on the verge of getting free stuff
Captain Zone > rofl
Captain Zone > I can't play a female toon. Tried once. Hadn't even made it out of the training area before some mouthbreather asked me "r u grl?" and "f so r u hawt?"
Hydro9 > lmao
Captain Zone > I even had it in the bio that I'm a guy who likes to look at a hot female ass.
Isabella Nevsky > supposedly his "last" abaddon
Lucius Britannia > yeah right
Lucius Britannia > and I'm the pope
Isabella Nevsky > sweet, honey, can I see inside the vatican?
Lucius Britannia > yes you may, my child
Lucius Britannia > /emote lifts up his robes
KopyKat > how long does a incursion last in a area?
R'eel Kasrell > till some1 kills mom
KopyKat > there allways a mom?
R'eel Kasrell > if u see Incursion withdrawing it means that soon HQ fleet will gather to kill mom
R'eel Kasrell > yeah
KopyKat > mom or a Milf?
R'eel Kasrell > XD
xVx dreadnaught > Mom, I'd, Like to, Fleet
Arvald > god dammit stumble upon porn sucks
Arvald > keeps bringing up skinny chicks
Arvald > i dont want to see ribs, i want to see tits
Jason Dailey > this girl
Jason Dailey > she is cute, I would fuck her, and a total nerd, but they act like she is some kind of goddess and so epically fanboy about it that its humiliating
obscene1 > lmao
MiningSlave01 > Meh
MiningSlave01 > I'd fuck her but thats not saying much
MiningSlave01 > Haha
MiningSlave01 > Doesn't even need a pulse, just some strings and a puppeteer.
Operator2 > lovely. necrophilia
Jason Dailey > easy pickings too, just call her snaggletooth
Giji Waag > lol
Giji Waag > mabob took like 30-40 mi of my isk, rawr!
KhAoS ShaDoW > Giji, please don't gamble anymore.
SkGiji Waag > its like PvP, i dont risk more than i can afford to lose.
Giji Waag > but ya.... being drunk loosened the wallet for sure.
KhAoS ShaDoW > Now your saying it's all okay! Tommorow your living in a gutter holding a picture of a plex.
Lord Makk > Aren't you out plundering with the rest of england
Lord Makk > Or you limited to EVE like the rest of us :p
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