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Arkanis > Warfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruiser and advanced command class ships
Kyoko Sakoda > Looks like it might be quite useful
Knuck > 5000 CPU
Knuck > Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is confirmed
Aeric Bagorin > why do warps take away so much of my cap
Aramova > cause you're a big ship :)
Aeric Bagorin > :(
Aeric Bagorin > it's a glandular problem i swear!
Talking about the XL Minmatar turrets

Grimpak>minnies now went from the WV-sized shell shot by the 1400mm to a 6-barreled gun that shoots 6 pickup trucks at the same time and a 4-barreled gun that shoots 4 trucks at the same time.
Jelmer > can you people please take those
drones in
elFarto > jelly, they're your drone
Jelmer > lol, bloody moron
Jelmer > ow, come on, chat! Then I don't have to see that anymore..
<DigitalCommunist> Wow I'm stupid. I just tried to log on thinking "heh heh, I'll go whore a complex while everyone is too busy freaking out over Full Cluster (0)"
(Referring to the London bombings, July 2005)
<RAL> lol french ar going nutz
<RAL> they ar like at ther 2nd highest alert status
<RAL> wich basically means they ar geting drunk in wine
<@Ak-Gara> i thought they only had two alert status'
<@Ak-Gara> Normal
<@Ak-Gara> and White Flag
<VexSeraphim> pretty much so, gara
<RAL> thats what there eifel tower is for. to hoist a huge white flag
(Referring to white flag joke)
<@Ak-Gara> if some one omgrawr'ed that, it would be the first quote i have that doesn't make me look gay or a perv. i like to lick people.
Dimitri Chandler > the word "zealot" is swahili for "haha I win"
Menaar > I demand hard stuff
Sparkius > I'd give you diamonds, but we haven't even
been on one date
Sparkius > well that crisp was neither vinegary nor salty
Kanako > i do say, good sir
Sparkius > I shalt return the entire bag from whence it came immediately
Kanako > indeed
Sparkius > after I have a few more
Kanako > bah
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