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Hellspawn01 > Everytime someone farts, a demon gets his wings. [farts twice] Oh, twins!
BlueEcho > as gross as that was, i still find myself laughing, HS :)
Heratio > Watching holiday pics (100's of them ;p)
Heratio > all hail the digital era ;p
Aniara Cass > so instead of looking at 36 lousy paper pictures, you now get to see 100 lousy ones on screen :-)
Heratio > high quality too :-)
Hellspawn01 > ok, 100 lousy high quality pics then
Heratio > :-)) yep that about sums it up ;p
Merv DeGriff > He is also the first player in EVE I did ANYTHING remotely social with lol
Par Obsidian > oo er
Merv DeGriff > not that kind of social
Merv DeGriff > The teamwork kind you pervert.
Rhianna Christian > not nekkid social a la ace
Seargant S > just woke up from a nap on the keyboard
<Stratego|Work> heading home now, willbe back online in some 3-4whores.
<Stratego|Work> hours...
<imp_> why you griefing noobs
<DigitalCommunist> I could ask you the very same question!
<imp_> I don't grief noobs, I educate them about dangers of 0.0 space
<%t20> someone sell me a crystal epsylon
<Kurenin> I have one ;[
<@NTRabbit> i have no such items
<Kurenin> wait no i have a crystal gamma
<%t20> sell me that one too
<Kurenin> k.
<Kurenin> 300m ;[
<%t20> what, you think i can just spawn money ?
<Kurenin> yes
<Kurenin> okay then.
<Kurenin> 200m
<Kurenin> ;[
<aeti> he will just get podded and lose it ;(
<GeromeDoutrande> probably an ebayer really
<%t20> well, i think you should always ransom someone when you pop his ship
<%t20> but that's just me trying to make a living
<GeromeDoutrande> you could try escrow scams
<%t20> i have dignity
<GeromeDoutrande> funny escrow scams?
<+DigitalCommunist> My escrows are the best
<+DigitalCommunist> "Ishtar - Real men don't fly gank ships"
<@NTRabbit> lol
<+DigitalCommunist> "27.44% expander - your wife will thank me"
<@NTRabbit> how many of those get removed by the gm's?
<+DigitalCommunist> gms can't get to them before they sell
<@NTRabbit> :P
* Oveur shines Shrike's shoes
Shrike > ah, gracias, thats where we like you, on your knees.
Oveur > lol
Oveur > crap
Shrike > screenshot 4tw
Fendor Atar > she got you there
Oveur > didnt see that one coming
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