Yaevep > Too bad you cant go check out the whorehouse on this mission.
Yaevep > WOulda been a nice excersise ;p
Rei Storm > pfft, am I not good enough for you?
Yaevep > You were, but i preffer multiple spawns.
Yaevep > WOulda been a nice excersise ;p
Rei Storm > pfft, am I not good enough for you?
Yaevep > You were, but i preffer multiple spawns.
Mdayriu > heh heh was feeling twitchy as i hadn't been out for a few days :D
Tamora > liar
Tamora > you were downloading so much porn that eve wouldnt run
Phoenixgurl > lol
Mdayriu > heh heh
Tamora > liar
Tamora > you were downloading so much porn that eve wouldnt run
Phoenixgurl > lol
Mdayriu > heh heh
SurfaceLancer > god, i swear u need a skill to do anything
SurfaceLancer > im supprised there is not a 'playing' skill
SurfaceLancer > +5% per level to max logon time
SurfaceLancer > im supprised there is not a 'playing' skill
SurfaceLancer > +5% per level to max logon time
Verone > ffs
Verone > i just dropped vindaloo all over my keyboard
ParMizaN > lmao
Verone > i'm typing with pieces of chicken
Verone > i just dropped vindaloo all over my keyboard
ParMizaN > lmao
Verone > i'm typing with pieces of chicken
Interscene > Hmm, what sort of trick could I use on Rogue Drones?
BLAIYNE > The one with the three cups and a ball? Rogue drones always fall for that one
BLAIYNE > The one with the three cups and a ball? Rogue drones always fall for that one
kieron > BLUE TEXT! OMGWTF H4X!!!111oneeleven
Morgit Seebring > wow
gluon > safespots everyone!
kieron > Hi peeps
Jannos Creed > kieron, please dont spam
Morgit Seebring > wow
gluon > safespots everyone!
kieron > Hi peeps
Jannos Creed > kieron, please dont spam
Hamatitio > http://user.tninet.se/~zrq265m/scorpion.jpg
Omber Zombie > lol, nice
Omber Zombie > not enough pointy blinky things tho
Hamatitio > http://www.legomaniax.netfirms.com/raven%20Left%20Front.htm
Hamatitio > scroll down
Hamatitio > blinky things
Hamatitio > aww
Hamatitio > it doesnt work in game
Hamatitio > do that oog
Omber Zombie > i did, v. nice, but more bling needed
Omber Zombie > caldari bships are all about the epileptic inducing blinking
Omber Zombie > it's their version of damage, incapacitate the opposing force by causing them to have a fit
Omber Zombie > lol, nice
Omber Zombie > not enough pointy blinky things tho
Hamatitio > http://www.legomaniax.netfirms.com/raven%20Left%20Front.htm
Hamatitio > scroll down
Hamatitio > blinky things
Hamatitio > aww
Hamatitio > it doesnt work in game
Hamatitio > do that oog
Omber Zombie > i did, v. nice, but more bling needed
Omber Zombie > caldari bships are all about the epileptic inducing blinking
Omber Zombie > it's their version of damage, incapacitate the opposing force by causing them to have a fit
<Weems> turn secure off
<[F]MEDAL> how ?
<NTRabbit> you need a warrior and a wizard
<Levin> im a wizard
<Levin> :|
<NTRabbit> :/
* Levin puts on wizard hat
<Levin> <:|
* [F]MEDAL runs about screaming
<[F]MEDAL> how ?
<NTRabbit> you need a warrior and a wizard
<Levin> im a wizard
<Levin> :|
<NTRabbit> :/
* Levin puts on wizard hat
<Levin> <:|
* [F]MEDAL runs about screaming
Ballz McCoy > PLEASEEE
Rhaz Kuso > piss off
Ballz McCoy > PLEASEEE
Rhaz Kuso > piss off
Virisech > god damn, zin
Kaven Ashfall > what
Virisech > oh sry
Virisech > not cursing at you, cursing with you
Kaven Ashfall > FUCK
Ralanar Nogred > lmao
Virisech > did turrets hit you?
Kaven Ashfall > my DRONES
Kaven Ashfall > oh those turreting whores
Virisech > ouch
Kaven Ashfall > yeah they were chewing on me for awhile there
Kaven Ashfall > fuckers
Virisech > 50k turrets lol
Kaven Ashfall > I don't like those turrets
Kaven Ashfall > let's uh stay over here and assault them with foul language
Kaven Ashfall > what
Virisech > oh sry
Virisech > not cursing at you, cursing with you
Kaven Ashfall > FUCK
Ralanar Nogred > lmao
Virisech > did turrets hit you?
Kaven Ashfall > my DRONES
Kaven Ashfall > oh those turreting whores
Virisech > ouch
Kaven Ashfall > yeah they were chewing on me for awhile there
Kaven Ashfall > fuckers
Virisech > 50k turrets lol
Kaven Ashfall > I don't like those turrets
Kaven Ashfall > let's uh stay over here and assault them with foul language