Trepkos > WTS Faction cruiser harvester - comes with free porn!!
BillyBob Brown > Can I see a show info for that?
* Billybob Brown explains to his gf leaning over his shoulder that he's not trading for free porn
Deep Spacer > >.>
Biscuit > ok billybob's gf - DONT BELIEVE HIM!!!
Biscuit > :P
Deep Spacer > but you are
Trepkos > free pron
F0RTISE > ^yes he is buying pron...not free though
Trepkos > buy now
* Billybob Brown rubs the slap mark on the back of his head
Trepkos > is this the gf you said has the big mouth billy?
kool kyle > lol
F0RTISE > u sure it was ur girlfriend and not ur neighbour?
Gats > so where should we send the collections to billy ?
Billybob Brown > O.o
* Billybob Brown hunts for the close channel option before the cane comes out...
Trepkos > lol
Deep Spacer > mmh kinky
BillyBob Brown > Can I see a show info for that?
* Billybob Brown explains to his gf leaning over his shoulder that he's not trading for free porn
Deep Spacer > >.>
Biscuit > ok billybob's gf - DONT BELIEVE HIM!!!
Biscuit > :P
Deep Spacer > but you are
Trepkos > free pron
F0RTISE > ^yes he is buying pron...not free though
Trepkos > buy now
* Billybob Brown rubs the slap mark on the back of his head
Trepkos > is this the gf you said has the big mouth billy?
kool kyle > lol
F0RTISE > u sure it was ur girlfriend and not ur neighbour?
Gats > so where should we send the collections to billy ?
Billybob Brown > O.o
* Billybob Brown hunts for the close channel option before the cane comes out...
Trepkos > lol
Deep Spacer > mmh kinky
<@Rogue01> wat happens when u get a warning? a screen pops up flashing yellow?
<@CmdrRat> Never been warned
<@CmdrRat> so I don't know
<@PaulAtreides> i've been warned twice
<@PaulAtreides> signatures ='[
<@SirMolle> only warnings i get are for sirmolle and trolling.
<@SirMolle> go figure
<@CmdrRat> I'm really supprised you can post at all tbh
<@CmdrRat> you must have the highest lock to post ratio of people who arn't banned
<@PaulAtreides> lmao
<@Rogue01> rofl
<@SirMolle> and the lowest post count.
<@CmdrRat> Never been warned
<@CmdrRat> so I don't know
<@PaulAtreides> i've been warned twice
<@PaulAtreides> signatures ='[
<@SirMolle> only warnings i get are for sirmolle and trolling.
<@SirMolle> go figure
<@CmdrRat> I'm really supprised you can post at all tbh
<@CmdrRat> you must have the highest lock to post ratio of people who arn't banned
<@PaulAtreides> lmao
<@Rogue01> rofl
<@SirMolle> and the lowest post count.
Zaebos > my wife can cook! hehehe...
she's 1/2 japanese
Zaebos > f/lunch... we had sushi!
Marie Sklodowska > that's not cooking
Marie Sklodowska > that's showing you
she has skill with a large blade
she's 1/2 japanese
Zaebos > f/lunch... we had sushi!
Marie Sklodowska > that's not cooking
Marie Sklodowska > that's showing you
she has skill with a large blade
InnerDrive > thats the difference between me and you kids
InnerDrive > posting on the forum all day
InnerDrive > like little forum whores
InnerDrive > no life
InnerDrive > why yua still here than
InnerDrive > trying to get a covert ops in a hawk lol
Estarriol > we're here because we own yz-lql now?
Estarriol > duh?
InnerDrive > right
InnerDrive > you dont own anything
Estarriol > i own you as well
InnerDrive > posting on the forum all day
InnerDrive > like little forum whores
InnerDrive > no life
InnerDrive > why yua still here than
InnerDrive > trying to get a covert ops in a hawk lol
Estarriol > we're here because we own yz-lql now?
Estarriol > duh?
InnerDrive > right
InnerDrive > you dont own anything
Estarriol > i own you as well
LadyScarlet > tbh with all the head they gave me im tempted to pay for the empire war on them when i get back ;)
LadyScarlet > headache
lazyb22 > lol
anister > lol, baaad typo
LadyScarlet > headache
lazyb22 > lol
anister > lol, baaad typo
Jungle Jim > /emote does a little dance
Jungle Jim > o/
Jungle Jim > infact feck it...
Jungle Jim > /emote does a big dance
Jungle Jim > o/
Jungle Jim > infact feck it...
Jungle Jim > /emote does a big dance
Laci > hi there :)
magickangaroo > o/
Laci > U are a hostile force?
magickangaroo > um
magickangaroo > i kileld u yesterday
Laci > then i leaving :)
magickangaroo > o/
Laci > U are a hostile force?
magickangaroo > um
magickangaroo > i kileld u yesterday
Laci > then i leaving :)
[CLS] Jedi > you live in Sweden right, i think thats where belgium is...
TheKiller8> TeamSpeak - Making voice communcation easier since 1998..1998..1998..1998..1998
Rexy > i just ended up in rnf :P not really paying attention as to where i was going :P
Admiral Goberius > I did the same and now I'm 3 jumps out of Yz-LQL :
Parlek > I did the same and now I'm married..
Admiral Goberius > I did the same and now I'm 3 jumps out of Yz-LQL :
Parlek > I did the same and now I'm married..