Browse Control Panel
quote #
Squelch > Nat really should clean up her bio...
Allen Caine > hmm
Rahne > lol
Allen Caine > You seem to be obsessed, mate, always looking at Nat's bio.....
Squelch > I used to proof read for huge amounts of cash. I hate things not being correct
Rahne > /emote raises an eyebrow
Rahne > to both statements!
Rahne >Anyway, why are you always looking at Nat's bio?
Squelch > Well it's only since she got podded
Squelch > I've been waiting for the great correction
Rahne > *cough* podded? *cough*
Ya'Risse > Oooh you didn't know?
Rahne > *choke* nope *cough*
Ya'Risse > She got blown up in her Tempest, by NPC's
Rahne > Really? Ohhhh, that's just too bad...
Ya'Risse > Went and bought a mammoth back in empire to quickly get her loot back
Ya'Risse > *Which she got scammed for
Rahne > LOL
Squelch > heh
Ya'Risse > Got all her loot, but by that time
Rahne > You're winding me up, right?
Ya'Risse > There was a bloackade
Ya'Risse > So she was stuck in Curse
Ya'Risse > So guess what she decided to do!
Rahne > ?
Ya'Risse > Dock in a Curse Station!
Ya'Risse > Must of looked good, she got there docked
Rahne > And?
Ya'Risse > Then she decided to undock....
Squelch > /emote makes the noise from family fortunes for a wrong answer
Ya'Risse > Was dead and podded before the screen loaded
Rahne > I am SO glad I didn't quit...
Squelch > And to cap it all off
Rahne > More?!
Squelch > some dirty CA member is probably still having his wicked way with her corpse
Ya'Risse > /emote Whispers "Something that Worries Squelch Greatly"
Squelch > still, you've got to laugh :o)
Rahne > Laugh?! I'm crying, choking, coughing... etc
Allen Caine > lol
<Xzld> ban levin
<Levin> ill ban you
<Levin> from the corp
<Levin> youre cut
<Xzld> ban you from my bedroom!
<Xzld> now what you gonna do?
[ +[BH]Eolaris ] i just wrote a tr cmd in the adress bar in IE :/
<Kreeela> or like an irish mate told me.. why marry someone? just find a woman you hate and buy her a house
Tion > Lago SEX comes before all other things :)
Tion > Well... ok NOt ALL other things
Tion > bro's b4 hoes
Tion > Riches b4 bitchs
Tion > unles you get wtfpwnd by love. :-/
Lago Morph > lol
Jessa > love is the grand wtfpwner.
Tion > ya
Tion > It's like.... a THE really BIG nerf bat of life
Jessa > hahaha
Jessa > Girlfriend strikes you perfectly, wrecking your life.
Gavin Kineli > lol
Tion > lmao
<odda> LOL i jumped 30 jumps the wrong way
<HellGremlin> Oh man.
<HellGremlin> I just discovered something totally cool.
<HellGremlin> If you bite really hard on a mouseball, it turns out that it's metal covered with a layer of rubber, and inside the rubber there is disgusting, disgusting glue!
<HellGremlin> I feel like I just blew a robot.
<Starbrow> LOL
<Starbrow> QTED!
<Sham> rofl
<Starbrow> i bet you feel really dirty
<Jadrut> and slutty
<Starbrow> did you swallow?
<HellGremlin> Instinctively :(
<Sham> HG *always* swallows
* Sham giggles
* Sham huggles his internet boyfriend
<Sham> shit, I'm gay
* HellGremlin distances himself from Sham
<Sham> Time to join a religion again
<Sham> Which is better for de-homofication? Holy Baptists of Jerusalem (Wisconsin) or The Flaming Cross Organization?
<HellGremlin> I'm sure both fine foundations will help you Pray The Gay Away.
<Sham> *yay*
<Sham> Maybe the minister will be cute ^_^
<Sham> crap
<Sham> I did it again :(
[+DjReaper|On-air] why did you stop being an ircop?
[El_Captino] i manly had it cause everyone on the net knew me
[El_Captino] net died
[El_Captino] net admins got in a fight wtih owners
[El_Captino] ended up glineing the owners
Tassadar Beta > what exactly do agent loyalty pts do :
EVENFLOW > i think if you do enough of their dirty work, you get a free handjob if you turn in 3.6m to them
EVENFLOW > aka, no clue
Vegas > Handjob!
* Vegas starts doin missions :p
[@Arion] "A good friend of mine is getting married soon. So we'll be having a test today."
[Levin] ?
• @Arion bows
[@Arion] beautiful i know
[Levin] im confused
[@Arion] good
[@Arion] :)
[Levin] now im scared
• Levin has a nervous breakdown
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