Browse Control Panel
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<Jadrut> 16. Who was the villain in 'star wars'?
<Toulak> Darth solo
<Toulak> doh
DB Preacher: "RKK have never flown with m0o. RKK will never fly with m0o."
<MadHawk> Whats the command for changing name again?
<dbp|work> /nick name
<MadHawk> ah
* MadHawk is now known as name
<[RKK]Lion> lol quote from startrek... Q "The borg are like nothing you have encountered before. They will follow you till your fuel supplies run dry. You damage them and their essence lives on. They are RELENTLESS."
<[RKK]Lion> sound familiar to any1?
<fluffle> yeah, dbp trying to get laid
<Viceroy> i'm fat irl, i don't want my ship to be fat in a game :/
<LazarusLong> minmater shuttles will be nerfed to less armour as they are deemed too powerful
Keltin > okay the stupidest reality show ever has been invented
Keltin > who's her dad! she has to guess which one is really her long lost father
Basekid > who u talking aobut
Keltin > it's some new dumbass show on FOX
Basekid > aha, no fox here
Huphs Min > those reality show are getting WAY out of hand, imo
Basekid > yeah man, here 2
Keltin > well they were already out of hand it's just to the ridiculous stage now
* Huphs Min nods
Aitrus > I want to make a reality show.
Aitrus > find two families that have a kid who needs some organ, or he'll die.
Aitrus > two kids. One kidney.
Aitrus > have em compete
Keltin > LOL
Keltin > Now that sounds good
Krynus > that would be something
Huphs Min > haha
Aitrus > Fox would pick it up I think
Stainless > you know you got a mention on the eve forums ben?
Ben Derindar > i did?
Ben Derindar > where was this?
n0sPIG > yeah everyone hates you
Stainless > yup, on the scary peeps one
Ben Derindar > lol
Stainless > something about chasing some1 for 10hrs?
Ben Derindar > oh that
Ben Derindar > hey, it was only 8
n0sPIG > lmao!!!
n0sPIG > stalker
Novarei > saint is getting worse
Novarei > wanted me to mine, but warped away when i started mining veld
Azeusus > lol
Novarei > was like he was embarrased lol
Azeusus > trit is needed to build anything
<Mastema> morning
<Mastema> i feel teh sick
* Joins: sutty (
<sutty> wooooooooooo0o
<Mastema> ...and it just got worse
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