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<Orkki> what was that sound fizzle? u licking nuts? ;]
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> HAHAHAHAHA
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> ye
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> s
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> yes
<Hawtchick> eeeeew
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> caramel nuts
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> lmfao
<Fizzl0r|On-Air> ill kill ya if ya omgwrar this
kamikazy priest > yes us amarr must pay for all the min slaves we have! ;)
Umek Dalhari > pay and die
Asaru > graaaarrrrrghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *attacks priest himself*
Pinesh > lol, i have about 100 amarr slaves in my tempest, all scrubbing the decks with their toothbrushes
Pinesh > maybe some relatives of you?
kamikazy priest > my min ones are using their tongues ;)
Pinesh > well, mine only have one toothbrush...................................]
Gazon > Sniggerdly pirates, there is no possible way I will fight an Interceptor, a Cruiser and a Battlecruiser...
Ookami San > why not? Rupture could handle them
Asaru > wuss
Erucyll Turon > lol
kamikazy priest > toothbrushes doesnt apply they have only 1 toothbrush
Argonaught > /emote rofl @ local folks
Pinesh > well, 100 slaves = 100 toothbrushes
Pinesh > ^_^
kamikazy priest > well amarr dont brush their teeth anyway ;)
Pinesh > that explains the pained look most of them have
Ookami San > lmao
Pinesh > i thought they were constipated
<+DJHorus|On-Air> hmmmm, concord still dont like me :(
<Lenna> why they trying to kill you ? or did they kill you?
<+DJHorus|On-Air> they killed me cause i shot someone in empire space
<Lenna> hope it was the noob ship.
<+DJHorus|On-Air> no, it was my Mega
<Viceroy> right now i have to write an essay
<Viceroy> comparing machiavelli to thomas moore
<Viceroy> needless to say i will be ripping that carebear
Babs Johnson > i told him m0o were there, but he went anyway
Bonnie Larue > k
Babs Johnson > i know all i see all
Babs Johnson > lol
Bonnie Larue > so what am i wearing?
Bonnie Larue > :D
Babs Johnson > lilac silk panties and a halter
Bonnie Larue > shit
Babs Johnson > see, told ya
Bonnie Larue > guess you do
<@Ak-Gara> also, over the years, not using lube, can kill off your nervous system in teh peen
<Blixx> Morning Diaego's Lap :)
<Diaego> hehe
<Diaego> he says morning
<Diaego> :p
<Blixx> Night? It's just past midnight so your call :)
<Diaego> well, afternoon here ;)
<Diaego> 1504 :p
<Blixx> In that case afternoon Diaego's lap :)
<JoatOrion> Having seen NK in here and listening to his (we can only assume he's male and not some amphorous mutant globule) rantsing we can safely assume that a) it's too early in the day for NK to be out of bed b) he sleeps alone and c) since his right hand pretends to fall asleep and will have nothing to do with him that NK has taken to sodomising poor defenseless pillows.
<Cro_Magnus> I was alright with everything up until the "sodomising poor defenceless pillows" ... that was a graphical touch I didn't need
<Wrangler> <--is this near you as well? if so, gimme address plz
<Bizarre> Nalunaarsimallutik atuisut periarfissaqarput ajornanngitsumik aaqqissuussinissamut, ingerlaqqiffissanik katersisinnaallutik aviisiniittunik quppernernik aalajangersimasunik immikkoor****illutik piumasaminnik.
<Bizarre> that is an actual Greenlandic sentence apparently
<Faithless> k
<Bizarre> I suggest we try to pronounce it
<Faithless> i rather be bored tbh
<Bizarre> I bet it only means "hi"
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