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The Enslaver > OMG I WANT BABIES
Arimas Talasko > Babies are nasty man
Arimas Talasko > They pulsate in your arms as you hold them
Arimas Talasko > it's freakin sick
Hyey > LOL
Hyey > thats called breathing
Arimas Talasko > oh
Arimas Talasko > Hahah
Weston McArthur > yarr, turn off yer vibrator!
Gendarmes > never!!
<Rhaegar|afk> lets dance
<Rhaegar|afk> o/
<Rhaegar|afk> o
<Rhaegar|afk> ./o/
<Bluefox> script kdidie
<Rhaegar|afk> o>
<Bluefox> kiddie*
<Rhaegar|afk> <o/
<Rhaegar|afk> im not a script kiddie, im an ascii adult.
Burning Chrome > 2005.02.15 00:49:31 navigation Your Iteron Mark V perfectly strikes Scorpion bumping for 113kms.
Apache > i hope quality time means she downloads eve
<Typhonius> someone remind me why i listen to busko's show ?
<Ehrys|Shower> i turned it off as soon as busko came on air
<Orkki> because you love torturing yourself?
<JoeyLemur> Now with 40% more Rosa!
<Typhonius> god :/
Frater Prio > there should be a "miles and more" program for stainers, like every 100 jumps u do u get a free insta-jump to a system of ur choice anywher in eve
PaulAtreides > LOL
X Clone > haha :D
Frater Prio > or a red travel bag, or maybe a foxtail for the poc ...
<Arthur> btw enn, i got an idea for eve. For every 0.1 point of standing with your agent you have above 8.0 standing, the agent takes off one part of his clothing!
Kale Ryoko > Mmm 6 more minutes and I can fall asleep
Atandros > why didn't you set another skill to train, go to sleep and set the first one to train when you wake up?
Kale Ryoko > I usually do that... but this feels more stupid.
Blane LeBarone > cant be too safe
Blane LeBarone > use a condom
Timon Sirii > too late for that
Shubalti > LOL
Blane LeBarone > ?
Timon Sirii > for condoms
Blane LeBarone > do you have things growing on your dick
Shubalti > ROFLMAO
Timon Sirii > no but around me, crying for toys
Blane LeBarone > lol
Blane LeBarone > its a virus
Timon Sirii > yes, called "kids" and they will eventualy kill you
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