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(Daakkon) dance!
(^1man_army) gayerstrike :/
(Kayosoni) ?
(^1man_army) i knew if i said the word gay, you'd come running :/
(Daakkon) haha
(Daakkon) pwned by 1man
Deepeh > so doggies - are you going to bark all day, or are you going to bite?
Vazzius > I dont bite/eat stuff that sounds and tastes like shit :-)
light blade > lmao
Omadon > lol
Deepeh > good idea, shit is bad for you
Omadon > You being the expert? ;)
light blade > lol
Deepeh > perhaps
Deepeh > i'll leave it up to your taste as soon as you bite. see you in 93pi :) (or not)
Omadon > *shakes head*
Omadon > Sniggerdly... no other group of morons like 'em =)
light blade > lol
<^1man_army> i really need to separate my eve vid files from my porn files
<^1man_army> nothing is worse than going and clicking on what you think is porn, and all of a sudden hearing a evanesence song and seeing a apoc dying :/
<fero|work> Tank!
<fero|work> long time no see mate.
* fero|work waves.
<Tank-CEO> who are u
Aesir Avatari > My missiles dont have names, they just say "To whom this may concern"
Anya Linnel > Wow. That's not swift at all. Mine say Stuff like "If you can read this, you're already dead." And "Say hello to your clone for me."
crimson 1 > lol
ShadowSkill > lol
Anya Linnel > Or If I get really bored one night "This torp cost 500 times less then your frigate, but It'll pop your ass."
<Kayosoni> idd != I date dudes
theRaptor > I was teasing atan
Atandros > LIAR
* Atandros sulks and cries
theRaptor > I bet this is how he does diplomacy
Atandros > no with diplomacy i hold my breath and tell them I'll keep holding it until they agree to our demands
Mordax Ibrium > How long can you last?
Atandros > I don't know. That's the fun part!
Xav Vorbarra: omfg, this sucks...I'm in a pod in a gay system that
doesn't have anywhere to land and all gates are camped >_<
Seto Mazzarotto: I take it you have implants Xav?
Xav Vorbarra: ....ah well no, they're natural I swear
Elise Masutra > hi dan whats up? podding noobs all day?
dandatau > lol
dandatau > lol i got podded sunday night :(
Elise Masutra > by noobs? lol
dandatau > lol, yea
Elise Masutra > lmao
Tancred > i have a 6mnth baby asleep in one arm
Danks > awww how cute
Tancred > snoring like a train
Tancred > or a structure repairer
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