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quote #
Ashen Shugar > lost my mega outside the station
Feek > What did you do, who did you do a hostile act on?
Ashen Shugar > it said I had done something in view of the sentry guns
Ashen Shugar > and they owned me
... time passes ... Approx 45 seconds later ...
Ashen Shugar > what the fuck
Ashen Shugar > I just went and got another BS and undocked and they popped me again
Sarmaul > it seems to be that the best way to get onto omgrawr is for someone to say something remotely funny, and follow it with "OMG this is so going on omgrawr!!!!"
Crux Australis > but this does not help me
[Ticondrius > last I checked, bugs don't usually help ppl..
Ticondrius > I think that's why they're called "bugs". ;)
Crux Australis > now this is something that I never thought about
Crux Australis > ty for enlightening me lol
Crux Australis > the baby jesus is crying loud :
Ticondrius > lol
Ticondrius > I've already submitted my own setup
Ticondrius > I lost a whole day of production due to a client bug..ya think I'm happy?
Crux Australis > your baby jesus cried louder
EVE System > Channel changed to Oursulaert Local Channel
Memoire > I'm looking for a ship in the area with the call sign "Virginia" it's an Iteron stealing ore...anyone seen it?
Golden Virginia > i have
Mael Duin > ore stealing in 0.9 space!! whatever next :))
Memoire > Where?
San Badgeros > lol
Golden Virginia > im in it :P
<Kayosoni> well then why can he get on? :/
<Kayosoni> aha!
<[CRC]Vanamonde> that... is a different question
<Runner> Its the mirror delay, its not difficult to work out, now go tend to the sale of your corpse
<[CRC]Vanamonde> pwnt
DeathGrip > why is all my text blurry?
Lansfear > youre drunk?
Murphy > lol
Batar Fireheart > too much pot can do that also
DeathGrip > lol that was my first thoughts, but i no longer drink
Murphy > so all your text must be blurry bat
Nick Parker > I can take 2 Kicks in the Nuts
Nick Parker > Hurts like hell though
Ghost hunter > its when it doesnt you need to worry
EVE System > Channel changed to Baviasi Local Channel
Gabriel Harkonnen > holy fuck
Horatio Starkiller > there's nothing holy about us...
<Kayosoni> I haven't been a virgin for around a month now...
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