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Kesper North > It's pretty much the usual counterintelligence yak shave minus the IP addresses and hookers.
soviet56 > Thorn
soviet56 > you need to keep your buddy Lucian on a leesh
soviet56 > i wake up with a text from him "Good mornin great lookin, I dedicate this morning wood to you."
soviet56 > dont give him your number :'(
Ttocs Draw > well quit being so sexy
soviet56 > lol ill try not to be ;)
Ikooni Slymo > 2006.03.26 08:25:40 combat Your Heavy
Neutron Blaster I perfectly strikes Serpentis Spy, wrecking for 1993.2
Ms Starbuck > 1993 was a good year
Phineas Freak > sry for typos, it's dark in my nerdcave
Imperium Romanus : caldari stations are like angry virgins - they have a small docking ring and spit you out as soon as ur done
Camper101 > so. i just tried to fit my slicer into my drone bay
Camper101 > Today I learned: there are no Faction Templars.
Duke Mineiro > FINALLY, 30 days waiting for this one GOD DAMN skill. Ready tomorrow.
Ryyft > what was the skill. patience lvl V?
Funless Saisima: wiki has a boosting tengu, this thing is very squishy heh
Ereshgikal : yeah, with covops and nullifier it's like a used condom
Ereshgikal : can't use it for any action
Stanley Fischer > "On February 24th, I showered for the last time, said goodbye to my family, and purchased a paid Eve account"
Buncho Coconuts > Stanley Fischer your soul like all of ours is now in a jar in a basement at CCP HQ somewhere
scrawtek [pxin]: did the latest siphon unit dev blog start a shitstorm? I haven't been following it
Tristan Acoma [prax]: The entire thread is a turgid pit surrounded by dotterels flinging offal and a few brave souls who have endured the filth to bring light to the masses. So, yes, in short.
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