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Exemlot Rin > anyone need a salvager to to clean up? I pay
Mordrid Norad > i do
Mordrid Norad > theres a brown substance over my walls
Hibasot > have you tried toilet paper?
Mordrid Norad > no
Exemlot Rin > damp it with some soap
Mordrid Norad > i usually just move hangers
Mehashi 'Kho > Im waiting for puberty, I was told ill grow breasts, here I am a 28year old guy, but no breasts! I know, im a freak :(
Picea > -1 condor wife calls
Juliade > wife aggro
Juliade > untankable
Renci Tosh > xD
Juliade > it's like concord
Picea > yep...
Mehashi 'Kho > divorce!
Namsaknoi > fuck man... those rats on gate put me in armor :(
IamPud > picea jump out of commander
Picea > especially if I want to do the -1 clothing later
Juliade > pfahaha
Juliade > Step 1: Cut hole in a box
Renci Tosh > EVE results in +1 couch D:
Bloodfrog > Im getting sleepy as i D-plex. Should i 1) Eat more donuts, drink more mountion dew for sugar/caffiene high or 2) Zap myself with my tazer every 30 minutes?.......I need some pro tips.
Val Erian > tazer is most reliable
Bloodfrog > k ty
Val Erian > that or you tube
Deacon Abox > i found stroking my pussy while it purrs is stimulating and relaxing
Bloodfrog > lol
Val Erian > it makes me fall asleep.
Bloodfrog > yea....i need to get more awake.
Deacon Abox > obviously too much gentle stroking and not enough squeezing
Deacon Abox > it's all technique
Bloodfrog > Hey...that works...i just squeeezed my kitty slightly to hard and WHAM !.......Scratches and blood....yup....wide awake now....ty Deacon :)
Vaden Khale > so my grandpa called me today
Vaden Khale > he was high
Tina Fizolna > Cool.
Vaden Khale > he made a dick joke
Tina Fizolna > uncool
Cynthia Gallente > was it funny?
Vaden Khale > it was unnerving
Vaden Khale > he's a retired preacher
Vaden Khale > you don't expect dick jokes from preachers
Ignis Succorso > bless the maker...
T'om > of beer?
T'om > or porn?
Ignis Succorso > of spice melange
Ignis Succorso > it is through will alone i set my mind in motion
Ignis Succorso > it is through the sweet jucies of saphoo that thoughts acquire speed lips acquire stains
Ignis Succorso > stains become a warning
T'om > Ahh drugs then...
Ignis Succorso > it is through will alone i set my mind in motion
T'om > Press F1 dude, it isn't that difficult.
April Glue > There are 1000s of elite miners in eve just retarded macros spoil our rep
Ahilej Ljudomor > Same can be said about dicks and dildos :)
Emrys Ap'Morgravaine > true that
Norrin Ellis > I don't know why I need to train a separate skill for Minmatar starship engineering when I already have scrapmetal reprocessing trained.
<Ulviirala> CAPSLOC
<xb95> hahahahah
<Ulviirala> you know what I mean
<xb95> I got it.
Mikael Bartuga > if you give me 100mil I'll turn it into 1bil for you
Matthew Marcus > deal!
Tau Rollard > what is this? Jita?
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