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Friar Kite > I just tried to copy-paste ammo from the corporate hangar into my cargohold
Friar Kite > I need a fucking drink
TarTar2050 > I eman I have been flying the skys with the name of a fish condiment..come one people if I can do that you can do anything
Mikhail Niribu > IM scanning for anomalies but im gettiing like red circle? what
Ryyft > congradulations, you have found your first sign of space herpes
SpoonRECKLESS > Hey pete I heard you ask about me my wife was playing on my alt this week
SpoonRECKLESS > She trying to "like" eve
Jago Kain > getting women to like eve is like getting them to like bum-sex... if they aren't into it, they aren't into it and no amount of encouragement is going to change that
Shalia Ripper > it is best to ease them into EvE. play around on the surface for a while, then dive in.
Jago Kain > i see what you did there :)
Deitis Surtic > Hasn't hurt me, or do you play EVE with your feet?
brutorans > there is another way to play?
Deitis Surtic > I tend to roll my face on the keyboard; I play minmatar a lot
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > the lasagne monster is in fact called Garfield
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > and Aano is the vet
Chuln > ah, that explains the cat hair
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > the ugly vet
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > with the bad teeth
Chuln > from eating the cat?
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > eating out the cat, its a big cat, and the vet's not too fussy about where he gets his pussy
Chuln > I have absolutley no comeback for that lne, lol
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > aaand my work here is done
Chuln > hehe
Chuln > it was a good run
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine > Next week on Insanity 101, we'll be covering how to defenestrate your priest whilst in another timeline.
Commander Venture > yeah I looked at local just now there were five of us
Commander Venture > we all had bounties on us
Commander Venture > It was like, this....
Commander Venture > Victim: "Who shot me?" Local: "Um, the guy with the bounty."
Commander Venture > Victim: "Thanks for narrowing that down"
Arden Tarris > anyone have a useful fit for a Pilgrim?
Lake > Arden - Yes, put one of the other three race's cruiser skillbooks in the cargohold. Then train it.
Zangief Hohenzoller > so uh what formula to turn secs into minutes?
notquiteso Guiilty > sup alora
Alora Nova > How is everyone
notquiteso Guiilty > alora
notquiteso Guiilty > i have some bad news
notquiteso Guiilty > i just searched your name
notquiteso Guiilty > and this came up
notquiteso Guiilty >
notquiteso Guiilty > so I can only assume your name means estrogen explosion
Alora Nova > lol
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