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quote #
Adathanael > i will tell you a secret....
Adathanael > you must never tell this secret to your girlfriend...
Kirie Contessi > I don't like where this is going
Jago Kain > that's what she said
* Stan Smith comes back with a maelstrom in his jaws and drops it at katrix's feet
Stan Smith > e told me to get the mael
<@dnz> look at the size of that commit
<@dnz> only a few less lines than charlie sheen
<@dnz> on an average tuesday lunch
<@zapcome> new programmer jargon
<@zapcome> a charlie sheen commit
Machiavellian Blight > arghhhhhhhhhh
Machiavellian Blight > rubbed my eyes..
Machiavellian Blight > just been cutting chili..
Xela Dioved > that burns.
Xela Dioved > though you probably can't read this right now.
Machiavellian Blight > No...
Johan Marberg > Jorey engaging in wit to wit combat with an essentially unarmed opponent isn't very nice of you :-)
Rhapsodae > Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. We have found a ladies purse in Airaken V - Moon 1 - Sisters of EVE Academy which may contain a cellular phone. It has been expected to ring for the last 7 minutes non stop, without regular intervals.
Rhapsodae > Due to the nature of the vibrations and being in the Sisters office it has yet to be confirmed to be a cellular phone. If you have an item or purse missing according to this describtion please contact me.
TY TYVerymuch >
Giuseppe Ottaviani > gday
TY TYVerymuch > hello
Giuseppe Ottaviani > how may i help
TY TYVerymuch > sorry
TY TYVerymuch > wrong number
Maliano > those ccp bastards didnt give me any unallocated skills!!! ;)
jih chop > for what?
jih chop > being pretty?
jih chop > they don't give points for that
jih chop > and you don't qualify anyway
Alucard Shadows > Purifier looks like a personal transport now, more than a bomber:(
Onyxalia La'fiette > i agree alucard....
Onyxalia La'fiette > like the soccer mom van of eve
Vikarion > Why would someone dump a bounty on you?
Vikarion > Esp. a billion isk one?
Solarienne > name and shame him stitch?
Stitcher > Toros Culzean
Mariska Namur > ............omg lol that was the guy who was pissed about Verin fangirl hour
Stitcher > you mean to tell me that I have a billion ISK on my head because I have INTERNET SPACESHIPS FANGIRLS?!
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