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blasharga: new form of market pvp... Getting accepted on the jita node
Haruko Takeda > you know you've been away from high sec for a long fucking time when you ask "which station in frarn"
Haruko Takeda > x_x
Haruko Takeda > /emote derps
Rex Viagra > hahahahahahahahahaha
Haruko Takeda > shhhh rofl
Rex Viagra > the bottom one
Haruko Takeda > shaddup
Rex Viagra > you guys carebearing it up?
Ciaran Enna > hehe
Ciaran Enna > yeah
Ciaran Enna > >_>
Ciaran Enna > /emote puts on ma bear suit
Ciaran Enna > they look like feety pajamas
Ciaran Enna > but 20% cooler
Xirin > so where are the devs?
electrostatus > BEHIND YOU!
Ydnari > inside you! *cue Alien chest-bursting scene*
Ydnari > *ccp guard emerges*
Xirin > lol
Xirin > it would be him, too...
Lake (e): Dude, if both sides think they should engage someone is wrong.
Tristan Acoma : What could possibly go long? :)
Tristan Acoma : er
Tristan Acoma : wrong :)
Yun Kuai > has anyone figured out how to make the dam safety go away
nightcat114 > yeah click on it
Yun Kuai > right but it won't stay on off
Yun Kuai > everytime I undock it's back on green
Onyxalia La'fiette > then just change it every time
Drakan290 > It's telling you to stop shooting people.
Onyxalia La'fiette > lol you reached your quotta
Xinlisupreme > I'll fuck her so hard that generations from now, people across the globe will cry out in ecstatic pain at the sudden onslaught of my mighty thrusts tearing through the fabric of the space-time continuum.
Mini Freight > im inputting 360 runs of caracals hehe
Sir SmashAlot > awesome
Sir SmashAlot > 6 freighter loads of minerals to move first 0.o
Mini Freight > need moar minerals tho lol
Katherine Raven > awesome mini
Mini Freight > luckily lots of the asses i slapped on the market have started to sell so im up to over 7 billion liquid ISK to invest into this patch
Mini Freight > assets*
Mini Freight > not asses :P
Mini Freight > ololololol
Katherine Raven > lol
Mini Freight > og gawd
Shoguno > lol
Katherine Raven > I was trying to figure out how you were selling asses.
Sir SmashAlot > ROLF!
Mini Freight > lol damn that was unintentional too
Shoguno > we call that the subconcience
Tsann [prax]: everyone write a haiku about the last item you see on your way out of the room
Tsann [prax]: (cue 20 haiku about doors x.x)
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