Latest Control Panel
quote #
Drecain Emberstorm > go shoot thoraxes. it's like dildo skeet shooting
Marne Deville : Once, I bought a 2nd carrier in lowsec just to get back to UB-, because I didn't want to wait for my jump clone lol
Marne Deville : I sold it, though
Kiri Jol [pxin] : high priced shuttle
Marne Deville : exactly
IronGoldenEagle > we at war with anyone?
Nomi Cakes > War: Currency Exchange vs. C0NVICTED
IronGoldenEagle > that would explain why they locking me up in jita
Nomi Cakes > We've been at war with them for a week...
Nomi Cakes > everyone was warned....
Nomi Cakes > I haven't even been PLAYING EVE and I knew we were at war.
IronGoldenEagle > i havent played eve in a year
Nomi Cakes > I haven't gotten laid in almost six years, but I still know to check if she's got crabs.
Arwen Ariniel > btw, i love my alliance mates
Arwen Ariniel > they gave me my own channel on ts
Arwen Ariniel > 'Arwen's Famous Korner (AFK)'
Needsleep000 > hey jc do you know where i can find some updock?
Jackson Cree > what is updock?
Needsleep000 > trololol
Jackson Cree > i hate you
Needsleep000 > yessssss
Needsleep000 > that made my night
Jackson Cree > how long you been waiting for that one?
Needsleep000 > like two days
Tristan Acoma: Confirming I'm reporting to my -A- masters on behalf of my PL masters who are really just the actual remnants of the old BOB-CCP linked leadership
Tristan Acoma: who are, in fact, trying to form a new ISS coalition that will destroy all outposts in nullsec space save their own and rent out said stations at great RL expense to the local residents which will then be funneled into a fund to allow CCP to act on their long-standing plan to actually build Hello Kitty Online(tm).
moonrollloops > is it true there is a secret codeword i can say in chat to protect myself against the goons
lexi_drake [Prax]: i hear thats how you become immortal ya's not virgns's nerd tears
Marne Deville : o/
Soft Insanity : o/
SirNine : o
kwarazi : o/ lo all
Miscondukt : o
Miscondukt : oooiihhh…Macarena!
Rhaybeck > I find your lack of ewar ... disturbing
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