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quote #
Ghost Hunter > One of my manticores self-destructed inside a station once
Ghost Hunter > I docked with 15 seconds left on the timer during a laggy server situation
Ghost Hunter > It deleted itself out of my hangar
EVE System > Channel changed to Local : U3K-4A
rock popper > u boys lost?
Jhonen Senraedi > hey..where did n-dq station go?
rock popper > ---> its over there
mr pawner > iphone maps fucking up again
rock popper > that shit will happen
WinterWindMKI > upps
WinterWindMKI > i surrender
WinterWindMKI > IoI
WinterWindMKI > its not lol but 2 hands up
BeanBagKing > o/
BeanBagKing > I think I put more vodka in this glass that I thought...
Konferge > o/
De'Veldrin > Everything is better with vodka
Konferge > no wonder you're so happy
BeanBagKing > my carrier is like my dick, I only get to pull it out about once a year, so I might as well celebrate right?
De'Veldrin > Damned right.
Konferge > Exactly
Konferge > So my carrier is like your dick, once a year, my Aeon must be like mine... never
iNfeck7ed > You cannot leave VFK-IV yet because of instability in the space-time continuum. Please try again in a moment.
iNfeck7ed > what the hell does this mean?
Issachiar > You're so gay a black hole has formed
Haruko Takeda >
row row row your ship
through some hostile space
warily, warily, warily, warily
eve is a scary place
Dmw882 > jih!
jih chop > DMW!
Dmw882 > how do i not spend isk!
Dmw882 > i had like 200m this morning!
jih chop > lol
jih chop > someone gave me 4bill 2 months ago
jih chop > If I ever learn how to not spend isk - I'll let you know
Dmw882 > that bj was worth it >_>
jih chop > lol
jih chop > dirty little man
Dmw882 > nothing little here hunni :P
jih chop > uh, yeah - by <i>british</i> standards
jih chop > every one knows that why you converted to the metric system
MIkhail Illiad > stabs :(
MIkhail Illiad > everytime you use stabs a kitten dies!!!
hellsquad2 > Anyone up for some minors?
hellsquad2 > We've got four in our fleet so far.
Triple Entendre > You sicken me.
Isaphras > No triple.. that's not what he meant X_X
S Higgins > any fleets up?
Isaphras > Our fleet is up, for minors.
S Higgins > under 18?
Isaphras > ffs
Triple Entendre > I'm sayin' nothing
Isaphras > Gay
Isaphras > Gah *
Triple Entendre > Gay minors? Dear god man. you are FULL of perversions.
Triple Entendre > Not a priest, are you?
Isaphras > Anyways... we have a fleet up for T1 Frigate T1 Destroyer plexes. If anyone is interested just X.
Triple Entendre > That's rather specific. Why not just call them minors? :D
Isaphras > If I call them Minors you guys have haydays.
OmgTentacleTerror > u ruin our fun. u suck isaph. go play wow
PainterJ > I think it
jih chop > therefore it's stupid
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