omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Alasdairr > cause i could afford a Covetor quite easily, except i don't have the skills yet
Kasterian > You need a metric buttload of skills, firs.
Kitiara Armitage > Cubic Assload, Kast. Cubic Assload. :)
Goldengamegod > the Covetor rocks
Heledion > okay, kast - exactly how big IS a 'metric buttload' :)
Heledion > whose butt, anyways? :D
Alasdairr > persumably about 1m^3
Kasterian > 100th the size of a metric fuckton.
RainbowTinks > Mid and low slots Droog?
Yaevep > bra & g-string
<DJ_Xyliana> bah feel like a truck hit me today
<MrBlades> Was it a sexy truck?
* TaxiGirl shakes her head
<MrBlades> Wasnt me then
<MrBlades> For I am a sexy truck of love
<MrBlades> Vroom vroom
<DJ_Xyliana> oh my
Nicholas Barker > what happens to a nag when it enters siege?
boabiski > bits fall off
Onyxalia La'fiette > roni you changed the name on my cyclone
Ronistar > All I did was add a question mark
Ronistar > Sometimes people hear a song, and think "hmmm that needs more cowbell". Well, sometimes people see a phrase and think "hmmm that needs more punctuation"
Deadly Renegade > are you pirates?
Deadly Renegade > or just love to PVP
Shikaku > yarr, pirates we are
Shikaku > we kill little slimes, as we rhymes
Deadly Renegade > what color are ya
Deadly Renegade > black white tan dark tan
Shikaku > red as blood, coming straight from the hood
Deadly Renegade > would that meen Black
Shikaku > black as the night, never back down from a fight
Deadly Renegade > I am white as Day and Love to PLay
Shikaku > good good thats cool, but do you met the reqs fool?
Deadly Renegade > what are your requerments
Deadly Renegade > and what kind of tools fo u give to fools
Deadly Renegade > or are u on your own to fend for your self when it comes to getting a ship or upgrade
Shikaku > our reqs are 1 mil sp's and a ship to use, as well as steelballs and a short fuse
Deadly Renegade > I don't have the 1 mill skill points with this character as u can see, but I have the balls of a Lion and a fuse that has been cut right to the end of the Fire cracker
Shikaku > have you got what it takes, or are you just one of the fakes?
Deadly Renegade > not a fake just needed a new character
Deadly Renegade > can't get some things done with him
Shikaku > how much sp you got now?, answer fast anyhow
Deadly Renegade > 24,000
Deadly Renegade > and rising
Deadly Renegade > its not the points that matter its how u use them
Shikaku > your not what we need, your to new to follow our heed
Deadly Renegade > well here in a while I will be flying style
Shikaku > fairwell and goobye, stay safe and fly
Corvin Blackwing > 2005.07.23 22:49:31 notify Caybn E'vangel [EPIC.] has started trying to warp scramble you.
Corvin Blackwing > 2005.07.23 22:49:32 notify Dantane [EPIC.] has started trying to warp scramble you.
Corvin Blackwing > 2005.07.23 22:49:33 notify Bone [EPIC.] has started trying to warp scramble the Stargate, "Stargate (Keberz)"
aeti > I fell asleep on the train :
psycorabbit > lmao
Coasterbrian > huh?
aeti > I ended up being woken up by a cleaner at about 2:15 in the morning a few hundred miles from where I should have been :|
stareon > i thought thay were going off line
stareon > ok do you know when its going down

[2005.12.14 20:14:44 info Dear players, the server will now be closing for deployment of the Red Moon Rising Patch. See you in 24 hours.

-EVE Customer Support Team]

Azia Burgi > now it seems
Azia Burgi > or not...
Azia Burgi > soon™
stareon > ok bye everyone
Mick Munden > im fucking a donkey.
Cutter Isaacson > want me to send in the ninja goats to sort em out lexi?
Mick Munden > not*
Mick Munden > fuck
Cutter Isaacson > lol
littlet15 > ninja goats o.O
Lexiana Del'Amore > lol
Cutter Isaacson > that is going in my bio for the rest of time
DJ Sam > omgrawr
littlet15 > how do they hold the swords?
Mick Munden > god dammit
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