omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Blutreiter > fuck you and your pos shields
Blutreiter > next time i bounce because of you i will pee somewhere inside your pod
Mercuryst > lol
Mercuryst > relax blue
Blutreiter > thats what i intend to do
Blutreiter > like i said
Blutreiter > revenge is a dish best served with unclenched bladder muscles
<scuzzy> sheesh. I just ate dinner and lunch plowed out of my asshole like a freight train through a snow drift
<scuzzy> was afraid I was gonna die for a moment.
<Lancer> jesus tmi dude
The RepoMan > oh please, im sure the 330 other people in this channel are doing more important things, like ratting and spying and ratting while spying and macroing while writing leud evemails.
<Vociferous> Who would you rather be with if you were trapped on a desert island
<Vociferous> A girl with a penis,
<Vociferous> or a man with a vagina
<Dacon> hm.
<Sniphr> do we have to choose one?
<Dacon> first off, I'd like to say you're a sick bastard.
Azrael Dawnbringer > Yeah asteroids pwns, but id miss all the damn spread sheets ya know
Bren Steiner > Spread 'dem sheets baby
Azrael Dawnbringer > fuck! be gentle!
Bren Steiner > never!
Azrael Dawnbringer > Ok no vasaline for you.
Ajunta P'all > well fk is only ever in a thanny or helios
Onyxalia La'fiette > yeah that i remember well
Onyxalia La'fiette > xD
Ajunta P'all > what a waste of 70m sp he is :)
Onyxalia La'fiette > LOL
Onyxalia La'fiette > give it to me, id put it to good use :3
Darashan > if you know what she means
Ajunta P'all > haha, ok, sure, right away
Onyxalia La'fiette > >_>
Onyxalia La'fiette > /emote slaps dar
Ajunta P'all > lol
Onyxalia La'fiette > id make a vigilant joke here....but im sure someone was thinking it
Ajunta P'all > i was thinking geddon, but if ur more of a vigilant girl, thats fine
baljee > Jay, a while back you said something about a hardener that didn't respond quickly enough or something .. if I remember correctly
Quinn Oron > I've had that problem.
Quinn Oron > Did you take it with water? Try milk.
Quinn Oron > It supposedly digests faster with milk.
JAY WRIGHT > <loc><url=showinfo:4403>Reactive Armor Hardener</url>
Quinn Oron > Nevermind.
baljee > what
creditt > how long would you say it takes before you start to understand Eve and understand what to do?
EmulsionG1 > id say about a year
Tenora Loran > I'd agree with a year
Ser Whiteshield > depends on yourself i think
creditt > would you say world of warcraft is more confusing?
Tenora Loran > ahahaha
Tenora Loran > WoW is to EVE as Barney the Dinosaur is to Paleontology
<lisa> dude
<lisa> you've got 3 deviant ops
<lisa> and we like to abuse power
<lisa> sooo you're fine
<lisa> well i like to abuse power <.< >.>
<PeterPowers> lisa: ive never seen you abuse it
<-- lisa has kicked PeterPowers from #eve-dev (o rly?)
<lisa> lol
<Entity> -1, predictable
<lisa> what did he expect?
--> PeterPowers has joined #eve-dev
<Entity> :P
<lisa> :P
<PeterPowers> ok, now i have
<Damien_Zhar> Never tease the mods
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