omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
<komputes> I'm on a unix based operating system which means i get laid as many times as I have to restart my computer
<marky-b> same, but i run windows
Karn Dulake > These Bots are getting very advanced. The other day one spent 45 minutes scamming me out of 5 plexes in Jita.
Cadion > you have no man card
Cadion > your opinion is irrelevant
Lex Arson > just because I watch ponies does not mean I lack a man card
Elsydian > /emote waves to tubiger from outpost
Elsydian > not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin
Tubiger > oh yeah?
Tubiger > /emote huffs
Tubiger > /emote puffs
Tubiger > /emote dies from lack of atmosphere in space
Bruce McMoose > soon Women are gonna be the dominant species
Kyrall > soon??
Kyrall > dude, what planet are you on?
Bruce McMoose > Illinfrik III why?
Kyrall > k, just checking
Kyrall > they still wont let you come back then?
OreTheif002 > Anyone wanna go group mine for profit?

Masakari God > /emote counts on both hands and both feet how many ships are mad at masakari atm
Masakari God > ok masakari ran out of fingers toes and elbows
Masakari God > lets just say there alot
Masakari God > 16 bs atm
Masakari God > 15
MrWhitei God > lol
MrWhitei God > you only have 16 fingers and toes?
Murphy > fly naked 4tw!
Lansfear > oh god no, everytime my husband would pass by the room id have to go afk :P
BobFromMarketing > And then read war and peace
BobFromMarketing > then when youre done with that read the bill going through congress concerning farming
BobFromMarketing > Then read a few dozen encyclopedias, paperback only. No internet ones
BobFromMarketing > Then skim through the source code for Vista
BobFromMarketing > in binary
BobFromMarketing > And if you still cant find the answer
BobFromMarketing > Read through Eve O
dibblebill > /emote knows how to decimate your fleets
dibblebill > Flying two races of E-War and DPS would be very bad.
Stovo kor > fleets...woot where they be hiding
Dr Mishuk > Yeah, out fleets, I forgot about those, yeah, we have an armada, a Spanish Armada
Dr Mishuk > our
dibblebill > I'll see your Spanish Amrada and raise you one windstorm
dibblebill > at sea
Dr Mishuk > considering how the whole SPanish Armada affair ended, I can see where my pod is flying
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