omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Bek > There are 2 things I like in Eve.
Entity > am I one of them?
Entity > ♥
Bek > Consequence and Freeform.
Entity > damnit
Bek > You're in my top ten of things wrong with Eve.
<Mako> so i was up till 3 am last night
<Mako> gf asks this morning before work
<Mako> you coming to see me at lunch?
<Mako> i said no sleeping
<Mako> i wake up clock says 11 am
<Mako> turn on comp
<Mako> clock says 9
<Zeus> lol
<Mako> i think she set me up
<Zeus> you got own3d
<Mako> fuckin women
Ericdon > I'm Canadian, and supposedly we shock easy, altho I don't know why ppl think that, we live next door to the USA...what the hell could shock us more
Lilla Kharn > nope but a speed tank is awesome
Kalan Ikuru > with the rig it'll do 188 dps in heat
Kalan Ikuru > this is true
Lilla Kharn > oh its in heat
Lilla Kharn > /emote gets ready to hump
cykri > lol
Lilla Kharn > im a humping machine
Lilla Kharn > just no women around
Lilla Kharn > so the raccoon outside has to do
Christopher Dean > so how long you guys ben playing?
Christopher Dean > how about Theo?
GoldCamp > forever
Proski Ijonen > years
Christopher Dean > ah lol
GoldCamp > the Theo character started in 2008
Christopher Dean > so knows what he's doing then, thats good
GoldCamp > at least he's got us nerf'ed
Christopher Dean > lol true that
Theo Samaritan > nom?
Christopher Dean > we were talking about you
Theo Samaritan > I'm old enough for my beard's beard to have grown a fair bush of it's own.
Par'Nabuk > "Notify: You cannot attack a target that is no longer present. Please aquire another target. If no suitable targets are available lock a gang mate and try again."
Par'Nabuk > sounds kinda like american foreign policy
JimmyRay > I got my report thrown back at me because I refered to the people as 'Test Subjects' not 'Participants'..which considering I was EXPERIMENTING ON THEM I thought was rather silly..
Fatwatai > Genetically Enhanced Livestock is heavy.
Khellias > ...
Khellias > ...Where's the beef?
Khellias > /emote shoots himself for that.
Fatwatai > "Where's the beef?" "In a test tube."
Khellias > Mmm, synthetic beef.
Khellias > Just like Mom used to grow in the downstairs lab.
Galaxion > If you drove a car shaped like a thorax women would call you
Demangel > Dude... I would call..
Demangel > wait that sounded gay I bet.
Galaxion > Just a bit.
Triksterism > I made a rail ranis. Makes me feel like I just effeminated some burly lumberjack or something
Triksterism > Feels so wrong
Triksterism > but have to try it
Triksterism > The ranis
Triksterism > not the lumberjack
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