omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Shemmy > I just found this old heap I haven't used for a while
Shemmy > x-large - check
Shemmy > no rigs - check
Shemmy > t1 invuln -check
Shemmy > t1 launchers - check
Judas II > mininum dps - check
Judas II > that ship is a monument of failure
Phantomania > yea
Shemmy > but this is why i never understood the whole "I make hundreds of millions of isk an hour" thing
Judas II > well shemmy
Judas II > there are no really 'good' or 'bad' fittings... its just that a lot of astroids have died and refined to make those modules and theyre probably not happy to end up like that
DisturbdGuy > i like to kill people....and dismember them...then i just set the parts loose in space.
DisturbdGuy > omgz gibblets
Detrevni > freeze them and shoot them out of your autocannon
DisturbdGuy > i wish
Detrevni > then they'd be death gibblets
DisturbdGuy > Meaty suprise strikes RandomTarget perfectly. Wrecking for 1.4 damage and 6% blood staining
Cute SpyGirl > i like war... everytime we are at war.. my recruiting boost by 10%
Cute SpyGirl > i am kinda stuck at 90 members at the moment
Gavjack Bunk > So why not wardec somebody?
Cute SpyGirl > that is not our style
acim > SAS your corp. are dead meat and your no it it just a matter of time ve wil track your down
SasRipper > am right here come get it
acim > ok i will invite to the
acim > we hav a party here
Eran Loss > now now acim dont get the war munger angry hell just call opun A gient fleet of BS's and kill us all
Eran Loss > lol
acim > ERAN corp.
* SasRipper buys more drones ;0
The Power > LOL
Eran Loss > MEGA LOL
Eran Loss > dent tell us what ur up to damnit
Eran Loss > makes it to easy
DigitalCommunist: The EVE forums are like a wank rag for the excessively wired.
DigitalCommunist: *taptaptaptap* NEW POST UNGHHH
0o0Preatorian0o0 > PRIVET AUCTIONS ARE A SCAM!!
Sobriquet Cognomen > I sell many shrubs legitimately!
Samuel Rackham > hey is 0.0 as dangerous as everyone says?? someone told me to come here for mining so where can i mine best??
SpiritFaLL > 0.0 is dangerous if you dont own the system
Samuel Rackham > where can i mine in 0.0? i wanna make some good isk i just bought a new ferox :)
Samuel Rackham > oh nm i just found 0.0 cya
Deepeh> MASS denied because they didn't want to be associated with pirates or that it made them look bad or something, and that's where the story ends! Everyone logs off, goes mining, or starts to spontaneously wank themselves into oblivion.
wardey > if i stick autopilot on will it jump by its self aswell?
Ocara Nezus > aye
Ocara Nezus > that would be the 'auto' part at work

Woodwraith > dating a bi chick, communism and cuddling in bed
Woodwraith > all work waaaaay better on paper than in practice
Woodwraith > in reality, its just two women yelling instead of one
Woodwraith > and the aggravation obeys a square law
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