omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
<HellGremlin> With the amount of sexual pleasure I derive from hurting the weak, in ten years I won't be able to reach climax unless I'm also stomping on a basket of newborns.
Jenesa > I hate boy bands just for the record. Listening to audio realm on the internet and they got a boywonder remix
Jenesa > Its lets sing the same line 500 times
Jenesa > what makes me mad is that young girls listen to this crap
Zero0 > and they like it
Jenesa > disgusting old men who shave their chests, love teddybears and wear plastic pants. I wish I was a sniper
Zero0 > so you like hairy guys then?
Yuki Li > hurray for feet
Yuki Li > brb
hfo Omnix sacrifices a CCP programmer in the hope of getting his fittings back
Erik Morkai > x
Morwen Lagann > x, needing foods soonish
Elysa Varbolt > x
Stranger > ø
Morwen Lagann > D:
Verone > /emote furiously rapes the danish O
Morwen Lagann > that's what the line is
Morwen Lagann > your penis
Kage Getsu > I like to imagine that modules look like the icons
Kage Getsu > I mean the icons are supposed to be abstract
Kage Getsu > but I like to think I put a piece of knight armour on my ship
Kage Getsu > or that the nosferatu really are evil skulls
Karille > then i have 3 helments a briefcase and 2 cinnamon rolls for a tank
Kage Getsu > what about welder torches
Kage Getsu > don't you have those
Karille > i only have one of those
Wekie Wow > what do WCS look like to you??
Karille > pain
seany1212 > i like my penis, does that count?
seany1212 > i stick up for it because it sticks up for me
Kagind > What kind of ship has a tacheon beam laser II ?
Jirid > Kagind - The kind you wouldn't want to meet 250km away from a dark alley
Korinne > you know what i look at when im upset?
Eric Lancier > i look at eve
Korinne > i look at furry porn
Korinne > its so over the top i find it hilarious
Eric Lancier > same thing, less words
Deltaprimus > real good mate called barney
Deltaprimus > if he ocmes back to eve
Lord Molly > does he still play
Deltaprimus > then he's staying in here :)
Deltaprimus > no but he will one day :p
Deltaprimus > he asked for me to keep his char in
Winters Chill > and you'll towards each other and slow motion and passionately kiss... with man tongue
Lord Molly > eew
ketharth > /emote pukes
Winters Chill > the days stubbles slightly burning as your passion becomes friction burns on your moist lips...
Deltaprimus > winter kick or ban?
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