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quote #
<Dobbs> andro yeah check out the Volume attribute on the mothership compared to the titan
<volume> ._.
<Dobbs> not you volume :P go back to sleep
<volume> kk
Feuer Krieger > EVE is the Violent version of Animal Crossing
LuCiFAs Son > fiting is like getting dressed at some point u have to tell mom to stop helpin
Thiole > we got snowed into school since the plows wernt ready
BioBrute > It's been very vrey mild the last 10 years
BioBrute > so it's nice to get more than 6 inches
Thiole > thats what she said
fobob > anyone have small proj ammo around
StarConquer212 > am going to dodix now fobob
fobob > lol i brought guns but no ammo for them
StarConquer212 > =(
Mikami Yamagachi > /emote claps
Onyxalia La'fiette > fobob is so hardcore, he just stares his victims down
Onyxalia La'fiette > fuck ammo
Mikami Yamagachi > o no
Mikami Yamagachi > He shoots space dust
Onyxalia La'fiette > he fires unicorns shitting rainbows
Onyxalia La'fiette > thats what
fobob > i shoot space blanks
Onyxalia La'fiette > >_> ok so your ship is impotent...
Onyxalia La'fiette > here i was tryin to give you props and youre all "naw man i got nothin...."
Eternacate > damnit, where did the rest of my pyerite go
Serena Hennessy > maybe i drank it along with this delicious alcoholic beverage
Eternacate > maybe
Eternacate > is it more cruncy then usual?
Eternacate > crunchy*
Serena Hennessy > hrm... dunno, havn't chewed, but havn't choked either, so I'm going to go with a negative.
Eternacate > well... pyerite is soft... maybe you just haven't noticed
Serena Hennessy > touche.
Old Winter > the forums have gone wild over that BOB fight
Old Winter > in which the opponents seemed to fail rather badly
Old Winter > the tinfoil sellers are making a fortune
Greymalkin Gillion > Ah, talk of cheating, GM intervention etc again?
Old Winter > nope
Old Winter > it was "clear" the opponents threw the fight
Greymalkin Gillion > Ah
Old Winter > they are just arguing over how much they got to do it
Greymalkin Gillion > Of course BoB suck at pvp.... It's not like they own a fourth of 0.0
Panda Empress>
♪♫ When your ship gets blown to bits ♪♫
♪♫ ♪ And you lose your Faction fits ♪♫ ♫♪
♪ Don't worry
♪ be happy ٩(̾●̮̮̃•̃̾)۶
Iweafo > what's a good ship for a trader?
Korban Kill > badger
MrRosmo > badgerbadgerbadger....badgerbadgerbadger... :D
Korban Kill > badger mark II
Thundercat Doom > /emote burps, vomits a little as he burps, swallows it back down since it would be gross to spit.
Aquillar > doom-burps? or is the doom part of your name? too lazy to check the local list
Thundercat Doom > Part of my name, sir Laziness, lol.
Aquillar > Well, you've coined my newest term. The Doom Burp
Thundercat Doom > Check that, take away the sir. :P
Thundercat Doom > Nice ring to it, eh?
Aquillar > scary

Omlyn > a WW2 ace was invited to a class to talk
Omlyn > he was describing a dogfight
Omlyn > he said "...and the fuckers were coming directly out of the sun"
Omlyn > the class all laughs
Omlyn > the teacher said " class class, a Fokker is a german airplane
Omlyn > so the ww2 guy resumes
Omlyn > "and as I was saying the fuckers in their messerschmidts were coming out of the sun..."
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