omgrawr.net Control Panel
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Xavier: condor is a meany
DJCondor|work: yes, yes i am.
Xavier: and he smells
Xavier: really bad!!!!
DJCondor|work: like a man, as opposed to having the scent of sissybitch
Xavier: pwned :(
* DJCondor|work pokes Xavier
Xavier: i use sissybitch bodywash
Xavier: i can't help it :(
Verone > i'm with ikvar in this one...
Siren Shiva > I dont understand phone sex either
Siren Shiva > Really, whats the point?
Verone > the principle is there... but i just fail to grasp it
Magic Trev > isnt that putting a fone up your bum?
Ikvar > Lmfao
Siren Shiva > LOL Trev
* Verone slaps terv
Verone > dirteh
Verone > (remind me never to EVER use a phone after trev)
<TWD> Veni, Vidi, Varpi
<TWD> I came, I saw, I warped the hell out
Marina Nerva > i keep thinking they need to do something to equalize things soon. come out with another ....i don't know.
Marina Nerva > like bf1942, then bf2
Kyoko Sakoda > they can't release content to try to close the newb/veteran gap
Marina Nerva > i'm talking about a new game, though.
Marina Nerva > "2509 years after newbies revolted, created one corporation called NewbInc, and then NUKED THE UNIVERSE..."
Marina Nerva > and then you start there.
Star Commander > any gay gangs in M-0, throw me a gang guys :)
NAFnist > lol,u perv
Markie > LMAO, not gay gangs here tonight
Gorrak > miss click
Star Commander > lol , me a bad typ PIST !
Tiuwaz > star commander, typing in the wrong channel again?
NAFnist > rofl
DavidABrooks > lol
Star Commander > oops
Esparian > hehe been gone that long game wants me to do tutorial
*Ghost Hunter spins camera around his widow > Why did I log in again..
Matariki Rain > Fun.
Matariki Rain > To gaze lovingly?
Salba > To listen to us throw a wet blanket over the entire human race.
*Ghost Hunter flat look > Do you want a face like mine looking lovingly at anything?
Matariki Rain > To gaze lovingly at your widow, Ghost.
Salba > ...
Matariki Rain > Which sounds rather perverse, actually.
Salba > Ghost staring lovingly at his widow.
El Sheme > have you seen the shield tanked ishtar?
El Sheme > its like a drake that does something
<DigitalCommunist> only time we got a blob together was when ded smacktalked us in the news.. and they never showed up :
<DigitalCommunist> dude, it was wierd.
<DigitalCommunist> "lets go kill imp!"
<DigitalCommunist> the collective response is: meh
<DigitalCommunist> "Lets go on a road trip to fountain!"
<DigitalCommunist> response is: which complex you wanna do?
<DigitalCommunist> "ded might come this saturday!"
<DigitalCommunist> and everyone gets in a bs with their best mods
Friedhofsgirl > whats the best way to open a bottle of wkd with no bottle opener?
Friedhofsgirl > cant seem to prise it open with scissors
Ari Gallish > use your teeth
McBarnacle > use your teeth
Ari Gallish > lol
McBarnacle > ur young enough
McBarnacle > hehe
McBarnacle > well said Ari
Friedhofsgirl > never thought of that
authochthonian > or get a hammer...
Friedhofsgirl > dont really want glass everywhere.
McBarnacle > if ur clever u can use the edge of a table and just knock the bottle top off
authochthonian > do it outside ^_^
Anna Book > What mcb said, table edge ftw
Ari Gallish > or the back end og a table knife
McBarnacle > this is an important subjct matter after all
authochthonian > well if your going to be sensible then yeah, what he said
Ari Gallish > *of
Friedhofsgirl > to be honest, i think ill just go downstairs and get the bottle opener :S
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