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Tharrn > Time to hit the hay.
Sulla > nn
Dantalus Portos > I'll join you soon
Tharrn > Uhm...
Sulla > Uhhh
Dantalus Portos > (not literally of course)
Sulla > *whew*
Tharrn > /emote sleeps with his back to the wall now
Dantalus Portos > /emote offers to 'sleep like spoons'
Sulla > good move
Sulla > To Tharrn !!
Tharrn > Now I won't be able to sleep at all
Khazorath > oh ffs
Khazorath > the worlds out to get me
Khazorath > Quit smoking and the first mission I do in weeks is to transport crates of tobacco
Nakayme Caonis > So, apparently, some Somolian pirates tried to hijack a French Naval Flagship.
ssbn732 > THAT, is epic failure
ssbn732 > even the frenchies couldnt loose to those noobs
Ethan Blacknova > they thre escargot at ze pirates!
Nakayme Caonis > Like two Amarrian slaver frigates trying to enslave the crew of a Ragnarok.
ssbn732 > yeah, it dosnt end well
Khellias> Did I tell you that my corpmates named my Hulk?
Dreadstar Kilron> No..... Do I WANT to know?
Khellias> In honor of the fact that I single-handedly stripped a system completely bare of everything but the Veld and even about half of that over two days, they demanded that I name it after the Tarrasque.
Dreadstar Kilron> LOL
Khellias> Devourer of worlds and all.
Red Neilsen > like when the drone regions opened up
Anjin Sahn > That's when the price of high ends plummeted
Anjin Sahn > Even though drone space is the absolute arse end of eve
Red Neilsen > it was real sucky
Red Neilsen > no bounties, no officer spawns that I ever saw crap
Anjin Sahn > And did you notice that it smelt. The smell out there was worse than on the bridge of a caldari battleship.
Anjin Sahn > And that's saying something
Red Neilsen > nearly as bad as a amarr slaver which is 5 times better than the gal ships
Anjin Sahn > Oh the gallente ships all whiff of garlic, onions and cheese
Anjin Sahn > And have a special button on the command console that raises a white flag
Etoile Chercheur > we're discussing relationships and marriage using an analogy to empire mining vs. 0.0 mining.
Shadris > I'd scroll up quite a way Telesto. You have missed a fair bit.
superscarface > /emote draws up a graph on attraction to a girl during hte period of the chase, the question..the first date
Telesto > well, start a new coversation
Etoile Chercheur > Seto, you telling me that you could take a 2 week old character and survive and actualy do things in 0.0 that are worthwhile doing?
Shadris > Sorry Telesto this conversation still has some milage in it.
Seto Mazzarotto > I mine 0.0 in an Osprey alone, just takes creativity. And obviously not -- 2 weeks old, in that analogy, is still dealing with pimples and freshman dances
Etoile Chercheur > :)
superscarface > attaction is almost goen by 1st date :/
Telesto > lets talk about what is better, an elk or a moose
Etoile Chercheur > i like MOOSES, Eddy!
Sapphi > Ospreys are uber for mining - but in 0.0?
Shadris > I found my last partner attractive all through our relationship.
Seto Mazzarotto > hardly. Most women I date find me more attractive after a month than an hour.
Telesto > i like elks
Etoile Chercheur > yes, Sapphi. just gotta be quick.
Sapphi > a mine and leggit policy?
Seto Mazzarotto > Yep. Quick, creative, and alert.
Sapphi > so u mine into cans?
Sapphi > of just to your hold?
Etoile Chercheur > are you sure you didn't mean "after a few drinks rather than just one"?
Seto Mazzarotto > Secure cans in a safe spot well away from any danger.
Sapphi > <wonders what creative mining is, exactly
Yabar > stealing probably
superscarface > sounds exciting
Etoile Chercheur > how do you transport the ore to the cans, Seto, and how long do you find yourself waiting for belt rats to get lost?
Seto Mazzarotto > Seducing the asteroids with a flick of the eyebrow and a clever word, a few compliments, drinks and the next thing they're in your indy getting carted home.
AlanOne> oh god
AlanOne> mittens is on the csm
Theo> is the csm even relevant anymore? its sorta sounds like the UN where china, Libya, and the Russians are on the human rights committees.

<cutter> lol at the puffer fish pic
<cutter> aren't those things poisonous?
<KaZuma> they are
<cutter> but that dude's holding one
<DJ_Sarge|ON-EVE-AIR> is tiny fish, think only nigger ones has toxic
<DJ_Sarge|ON-EVE-AIR> bigger even
<DJ_Rawr> haha OMG
<mastergamer> haha
<DJ_Sarge|ON-EVE-AIR> ya dont say ...
<xmvxthen00b|EVE> nice typo sarge
<DJ_Sarge|ON-EVE-AIR> i pity tha fooo ..
<cutter> thats omgawd
<Bele> epic typo of doom
Sky Hunter > any bad guys around?
Lucus Ranger > yes meh!
Lucus Ranger > I'm an original bad boy
Sky Hunter > i meant the bad ones
Sky Hunter > not pinky fluffy ones
Lucus Ranger > ohhhh
Lucus Ranger > sry :(
Sky Hunter > YA!
Sky Hunter > You better be
Lucus Ranger > You want to come spanky me?
Lucus Ranger > :P
wierchas noobhunter > i will come lucus
Lucus Ranger > :O
Basilii > i will join
Lucus Ranger > damnit.. this is going to turn into a gangbang
Basilii > oh yess
Lucus Ranger > aw well at least I have my titan
Lucus Ranger > :D
Basilii > lol
Sky Hunter > titan gang bang, NEW! EVE Pr0n Edition! Only in AAA! Starring: LUCUS THE PINKY!
Klaus Mahamid > I had a dream once that i couldn't find back to my apartment because i forgot to bookmark it into my people and places
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