omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Soviman > anyone in teh isaziwa system?
Alex Skypouncer > check local and find out
JD Markus > Well we did a good job yesterday beating them off
SpaceTigerCross > on a side note... i really need to get myself a GF... cuz im playing WoW and EVE at the sametime and that just screams... bad things
Achilles0007 > even of you lose a fleet of 50 velators, yopu can be back in less than 15 minutes with 50 more velators
Achilles0007 > not only that but eventually you will have enough trit to build a titan...
Achilles0007 > then they are fooked
Gaunty > you need to smoke a joint and get out of jita mate :P
Zudari > hehehe so true
Zudari > they just keep spammin its f*cking annoyin
Marshall Jackhammer > Spliffs?!?! Lets do this
Marshall Jackhammer > KILONNNNnnnnnaaaaaaaa
Gaunty > he isn't online....
Marshall Jackhammer > It's ok, I'm shouting it out my window as I type, he should hear me
<WolfgangH> Womens shops are always fun except when the gf tries to embaress you going "omg youd look good in that elephant thong"
<Digital> you guys were joking with the whole mining thing, right?
<Molle> joking? when mining is involved?
Aftermath 71 > myself i have to clean the hoes a few times extra even tho its not needed
Aftermath 71 > *house , lol
Commander Ebalo > lol
Mikepara > hoes...lmao
Aftermath 71 > lmao
Aftermath 71 > oh god
Commander Ebalo > hehe,, cleaning hoes is rought too
Commander Ebalo > rough
Mikepara > a hoe cleaner in our midst...everone bow low and worship.. :-0
Commander Ebalo > ROGL
Mikepara > thats gonna stick m8...
Garkonite > if u want ill check to make sure the hoe is clean
Aftermath 71 > ok im screwed in this channel now
Lethaldream > Pizza sauce makes my hemorrhoid itch :(
Edgewise > TMI man.
Edgewise > Use preperation H
Futher Bezluden > ffs... put the pizza in your mouth man... your mouth
Khanivore > drones on an af, waste of time
Gothikia > every little helps
Gothikia > fuck, im starting to sound like a tescos advert
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