omgrawr.net Control Panel
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Freyya > there are those times in our lives where we should all run..but would it not make a better man (or woman, to not be discriminatory) out of us if we stayed and fought?
Andreus Ixiris > Freyya: There are times in my EVE career when I should have run and/or surrendered but I stayed and fought
Andreus Ixiris > They didn't make me a better man
Andreus Ixiris > They just made me a prick
Freyya > same thing
RangerXT > YES
Aeritha > too bad!
RangerXT > DAMN
Brae Tolk > hi guys
Brae Tolk > got a weird problem
AeolusWind > Go ahead Brae :)
Brae Tolk > i'm currently training bc to lvl 3
Brae Tolk > and at the same time the sp for evasive maneuvering are going backwards
AeolusWind > 0_o
Brae Tolk > it was supposed to finish yesterday
AeolusWind > You can't train two skills at once
Pyrrhon > backwards
Vinduress > well sheesh, everyone knows you can't fly a BC and be evasive at the
same time!!!?!?
Sheriff Jones > Is a "wee note" when your GF sticks a post-it note above the toilet for you to see during your morning wee?
Mister Flibble > I thought it was a note you wrote in the snow... =
Noxious89123 > how big is a dread sig radius with a mwd? :D
Jal Sireyl > I think there are planets with smaller sig radii.
Flesh Trader > u want lag? we r still waiting for Xmas round here
Arachidamia > There is a fifth dimension, beyond that known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, It is an area which we Matari call falloff.
Oaty Fribs > I'm a Psychology Grad Student doing a research project on trust between relative strangers, if you send me any amount of isk, I'll send it back doubled for helping me out. 15Billion to give out! Thanks!
Korinne > If you were a grad student, then you would understand the value of an unbiased sample; and thus you would be aware of what goes on in eve as a player and how other eve players are far from unbiased on such issues.
Korinne > Which means you are either stupid for thinking this scam will work, or an incompetent grad student.
Oaty Fribs > Wow. You suck.
Sandra Starr > oh that was awesome xD nice korrine.
MentaL DoG > u red to me ony
MentaL DoG > dont shot me plz
MentaL DoG > lol
Onyxalia La'fiette > how am i red to you?
Onyxalia La'fiette > im in the alliance ya nutbar
MentaL DoG > i dont know
Onyxalia La'fiette > dude i have a low sec status, im flashy red to all of eve mate...
Von Morganstein > i get told my fancy dress costumes are too obscure
Korinne > oh?
Von Morganstein > last one i went to i went as "poor decision-making"
Von Morganstein > i had a neckbrace, 2 different shades of pink clothes and a straw hat
Von Morganstein > nobody really got it
Korinne > youre just a clumsy gay farmer
Kara Niraan > i've been called worse
Vash Tziolkovskiy > How often do you need to water gays anyway?
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