omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Hellcore > laggy as a laggy thong for me in pator
Hellcore > er...
Hellcore > *thing :)
Viqer Fell > rofl
Hellcore > ewww laggy thong
Jaldarr > hi guys, how do i get mty corp out of an alliance?
Evil Pookie > kill people who are blue to you
StarLite > I wish RAT. and CELES would kill eachother ;)
HeadHunta II > u mean flame eachother while at safespot
Sedusia > My pregnant wife thinks she can beat me in a head butting contest, this ought to be good!
:: Blades :: says:
omw home now babe
:: Blades :: says:
ok, that was for angela
:: Blades :: says:
not you
Galazar says:
im scarred for life
Deva Blackfire > managed to escape :/
Deva Blackfire > rest too... but well... outblobbing enemies with heavy ships sucks :/
Deva Blackfire > also now i know why any wannabe PvPer noob joins them
Deva Blackfire > they get to fly cheap HACs etc
Deva Blackfire > i saw more faction ships in that blob than in my whole eve life
Deva Blackfire > 4x machariel, bhaal, vindicator, firetail, comet, 2x daredevil, succubus and prolly plenty more which names i forgot
Hellspawn01 > sounds like they plundered my hangar
Salba > /emote thinks that banner ads that tell you to "Shoot three iPods to win an iPod Mini" or someshuch should send you an iPod with a gaping gunshot hole in the middle.
Ieya > imagine if there was lag in rl...
Ieya > the lights go green, u try to pull away but nothing happens...
Ieya > or u approach lights and u suddenly jump back a bit
* mirel yirrin sprays whipped cream all over dales naked quivering nerdy body
Dale Cussler > WtF?!
mirel yirrin > Did I type that?
Dale Cussler > yep
mirel yirrin > Crap.
<SwedishCook> Hyou putda NPC inda roidyfieldy and mixidda in mit de nubiplayers ntheydie, hyoubetcha!
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