omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Ithiria Deritan > i knew a guy who used a safeway bag as a condom and then wondered how his girl got knocked up
Ariaore > ....
xTheBurninator > That's just morronic...
Carmilla D'Morenta > I can see where he was coming from... I mean the bag lied....
Carmilla D'Morenta > it obviously wasn't the safeway
Devilish Ledoux > "Quafe Ultra: Don't be a pussy. You HAVE a clone"
Major Stormer > 2007.09.01 10:25:26 Notify Report of a criminal within this solar system: Major Stormer - We will ensure that law will be upheld in Minmatar space!
Ket Halpak > lookout! there firing volkswagons at you!
Major Stormer > HOLY CRAP A FORD FOCUS!!
Sonja Dragooran > My daughter thought to be funny and asked where on the chicken was chicken nuggets
Sonja Dragooran > I told her on the rooster
Sonja Dragooran > Face went bright red
Roush Winberd > What do Canadians hate that americans like?
AirWalker > americans
Aya > Hostile tcf gang coming to h-pa
Deva Blackfire > ships?
Ralarina > Yes, in ships
Discrodia > I could sit outside your wormhole in a T3 ship with cookies and milk
MushskiC > we've been tactfully superior
Discrodia > tactics shmactics, who doesn't like cookies and milk?
Torquemanda Corteaz > jesus lads
Torquemanda Corteaz > you making a exodus back to empire?
Holden Jaff > nope, just picking up more beer.
Torquemanda Corteaz > man i want to go to one of your parties :)
Vendrin > um... ked.. what are you doing?
Kederaji Tajorn > Gah.
Vendrin > Come on man, stick on the same group as us
Kederaji Tajorn > Oh well, I'm not expecting to take much damage from it.
Vendrin > warp out if you need too
Talaris EveningStar > He's in a drake
Kederaji Tajorn > Yes, but I'm in a badass drake.
Talaris EveningStar > As I said,
Talaris EveningStar > He's in a drake
Talaris EveningStar > Better tank than most of us BSes
Kederaji Tajorn > Oh noes, a webbifier!
Kederaji Tajorn > I am slightly inconvenienced!
Pimp Cane > zoomed out the harbingers look like little crosses. its like were in a jeebus fleet
Raxip Elamp > Hee hee they do
Malena Panic > dammit all we need are some Caldari interceptors
Malena Panic > then it would be a RAPTOR JESUS FLEET
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