omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
hellsquad2 > Anyone up for some minors?
hellsquad2 > We've got four in our fleet so far.
Triple Entendre > You sicken me.
Isaphras > No triple.. that's not what he meant X_X
S Higgins > any fleets up?
Isaphras > Our fleet is up, for minors.
S Higgins > under 18?
Isaphras > ffs
Triple Entendre > I'm sayin' nothing
Isaphras > Gay
Isaphras > Gah *
Triple Entendre > Gay minors? Dear god man. you are FULL of perversions.
Triple Entendre > Not a priest, are you?
Isaphras > Anyways... we have a fleet up for T1 Frigate T1 Destroyer plexes. If anyone is interested just X.
Triple Entendre > That's rather specific. Why not just call them minors? :D
Isaphras > If I call them Minors you guys have haydays.
OmgTentacleTerror > u ruin our fun. u suck isaph. go play wow
Joskken Inx > "The fictional background story is unimportant, drawing on the best traditions of clichéd science fiction. There are five stereotyped races, Night Elves, Caldary, Gallente, Amarr and another unimportant race."
Joskken Inx > "There is also a non-player race, The Jove, which is there to ensure that there is at least one thread a week is created on the official Eve Online forums asking when the Jove will be playable."
Joskken Inx > :The accumulation and development of skills in EVE Online is one of the things that sets it apart from other MMORPGs. It is also one of the most irritating things in existence. Instead of earning experience, EVE players purchase and upload the skills"
Joskken Inx > "While this sounds neat, like when Trinity learned to fly a helicopter in the Matrix, it is more like watching old people fuck. "
Blackwin > ROFL
Milon Pendragon > lmao
Batosi Valharu > Hmmm Makes me want to break out the Nanny Cam
Joskken Inx > "Instead of "avatars" as commonly found in other MMORPG's, players in EVE are represented in game by the ships they fly. They can range from small, easily destroyed Frigates and larger, easily destroyed Cruisers, to massive,easily destroyed Battleships"
Joskken Inx > "well okay, if you are: 1) married and hate your wife. 2) over 40 and still a virgin 3) don't have a life (TM). 4) a priest 5) russian<br><br>you might enjoy 0.0 warfare"
Batosi Valharu > Or like to cybersex men who pretend to be women
Joskken Inx > thats for lowsec not 0.0
Lexx Phoebus > there was semen found in the victem's mouth
Fortune Mitford > The truth
Fortune Mitford > is always
Fortune Mitford > Hard to Swallow
Nakayme Caonis > So, apparently, some Somolian pirates tried to hijack a French Naval Flagship.
ssbn732 > THAT, is epic failure
ssbn732 > even the frenchies couldnt loose to those noobs
Ethan Blacknova > they thre escargot at ze pirates!
Nakayme Caonis > Like two Amarrian slaver frigates trying to enslave the crew of a Ragnarok.
ssbn732 > yeah, it dosnt end well
Tristan Acoma[prax] (dg): also doesn't hurt my wife said "please for the love of (?) go on a fleet op so you can stop sighing when your phone makes noise" :)
Andreus Ixiris > I swear, if that dog three doors down doesn't shut up I'm going to strangle it
Sahaquiel Faust > Barking, or howling?
Andreus Ixiris > Both, really.
Sahaquiel Faust > You could say it's driving you... barking mad?
Andreus Ixiris > I think I'm going to strangle you, too.
Sahaquiel Faust > I don't blame you.
Andreus Ixiris > So if you were me, you'd strangle you too?
Sahaquiel Faust > Yeah.
Andreus Ixiris > You know what, how about you cut out the middleman for us and strangle yourself?
Sahaquiel Faust > Pretty sure I'd pass out before I could finish the job.
Andreus Ixiris > So what you're saying is you're not only irritating, but incompetent as well?
XMishnovax: O.o. The eve mao said this system was empty. Now I'm stuck in a bubble with Pirates surrounding me and 350mil worth of implants in my head. *shoots Self*
Joey1 > lol
Joey1 > We just got jump portaled by 50 wreckless abandon in X-M :P
Ziim Zalla > :(
Adago Vilon > you lose anything?
ZarnieWoop > clean pants
Ziim Zalla > rofl
Prac114 > just started learning engineering 5 be able to cloak by next week
Everto Diligo > you need Electronics to cloak
Prac114 > $%&$%&$&^
Everto Diligo > LOL
Timothy McKenzie > lol
Everto Diligo > *falls on the ground laughing*
Horatio Nately > dammn macros
Kollin > so if someone is stealing my cargo can I shoot them legally?
Jack Creme > yeah
Jack Creme > but they gotta be flagged
Jack Creme > to you
JOSSUA TORPUS > you have 14 min to shoot them
Kollin > flashing red in the overview?
Jack Creme > yeah
nospcghst > red blinking means the are flaged (if i didn't change the setup of it)
JOSSUA TORPUS > one steal mineral all the day on the belt .... ... i forgot his name ... but it's always the same guy
* Yasujiro Kaibara whistles innocently.
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