omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Lothros Andastar > if I had a cookie, some ice cream, or other fatty food for every time I successfully trolled.... I'd be american cause i'd be obese
Raz Lictor > L4 locator services are expensive.
Rob Crowley > they pay off easily when you find out first where Waldo is
Deschenus Maximus > I need a nap
Elliot Reid > nap?
Elliot Reid > NAP?
Elliot Reid > NNNAAAPPP?
Elliot Reid > i thought you were a highly tuned military killing machine
Elliot Reid > and you need a nap?
Deschenus Maximus > Highly trained killing machines need their beauty rest too, don't you know
Tamora > a 'lightly tossed salad of a camp' with 1 bubble and a dash of retards. leave to simmer for 2 days. then PWN with rice!
Virtuozzo > the baby is on the table in a compromising position and everyone is trying to play doctor
Virtuozzo > err, that came out badly
Matt armada > I'm convinced Bipp is secretly dating one of those chineese isk farmers or something --- he just shits isk
Dark Shikari > http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=559376
UPA Terf > ultimate forum whore
UPA Terf > i bow
Coasterbrian > you know, I have no idea how you have so much to say, lol
UPA Terf > hehe i got a comment in o/
Levin Cavil > theres a difference between posting 26 times a day and having something to say
DragQueen > who here is chaining etc
Archos > not me because I am a lady! I press flowers and stroke kittens and swim in rivers wearing dresses
Mysterious Munn > what's the website that has all the mission details?
Hiemlynn > Who are we killing?
Ace MacRou > rats
SokoleOko > don't you know that there's Serpentis mating season in progress?
Ace MacRou > yes, we're baby-killers
SokoleOko > this is the reason Syndicate rats are so shit
SokoleOko > always killed when they are young
SokoleOko > never grown into proper "1,5 mil a piece" game
RabbitofDoom > nah they do but then they are captured by ccp and moved to sov space
RabbitofDoom > otherwise they would be driven into extinction by all thos bots there
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