omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Topchris > Dude there is nothing better than Watching StarTrek:TNG, Eating Pizza Bites, Drinking pepsi, and playing Eve.
Microsoft Sam > yes there is
Microsoft Sam > its called having sex with a woman
Vendrin > I swear to God, if you keep fighting, I will pull this fleet over and leave you at the nearest planet
KentOnline > any1 want mem +4 ? i'll sell them cheap
Aquillar > 1 million
Aquillar > final offer
KentOnline > not THAT cheap :)
Aquillar > I stand by my offer!
KentOnline > for 1 million u can look at it..
Cybaric > I would love it, Ill bid 2 mil
Aquillar > I can look at it? set up the trade then ;)
KentOnline > only if i can test my setup on u again..
Cybaric > How much are you asking for the implant?
KentOnline > 80
KentOnline > thats 30 under marked
Aquillar > 80 isk? sold
KentOnline > yep....but the Aq tax is 799999920, so for you its 80 mill
Aquillar > what % is that?
KentOnline > around the same % tax as for the beer here in norway
<Bizarre> would you like some penis soup?
<Superbeast> :))
<Bizarre> 8==D/
<dmZ> penis soup, mmmh, just like my mum's
<Superbeast> wtf... :(
<Bizarre> wtf
Miss Greed > Since when is cspa 2.950
paulcdb > last patch :P
Miss Greed > suckage
paulcdb > blame whoever doesn't have you in there address book, lol
Hal Seldon > the only spam I got was after last patch though...
paulcdb > maybe you looked hungry
Omber Zombie > god dammit, forums down
Omber Zombie > how am i supposed to pvp in this game if i can't use the forums
Hel Lordings > the more i look at LH's picture the happier i am with the outcome
McBarnacle > yeah - looks like he has a dildo stuck up his arse and a bog brush on his head
CCP Soundwave > I can see the server room from here, and nothing seems to be on fire.
CCP Soundwave > it's probably just a new feature
<Sprak> heh, they should rename the tag line for the EVE CCG
<Sprak> "EVE Online... Without Lag!"
Rob Boberton > anyone else have issues activating beneficial hi slots?
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