omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Aislinn Phalanx > VETO public chat. Sorta like Mos Eisley without all the Banta poop.
Elora Narst > camping is retarded
Haffrage > so is flying ibises but you don't see us smacking in local
Rocky Deadshot > u know i wish u could buy stuff from the eve store with isk
Azia Burgi > you can
Rocky Deadshot > WAT ???
Azia Burgi > in iceland....
boogaboob > for next april fools ccp should switch the ship models for titans and noobships
Khanivore > drones on an af, waste of time
Gothikia > every little helps
Gothikia > fuck, im starting to sound like a tescos advert
Jacob Etienne > gm pwnage
Promon Delnai > gm strikes you perfectly wrecking your account
Jacob Etienne > pwnt!
Tamora > dont admit to account sharing plz
Tamora > ^^
Sook Kok > aww how is he anyway BR ?
Sook Kok > ^^ kryz btw
DaSoul > what account sharing are you talking
about? never heard of being schizophrenic ;)
Tamora > <---- blacklight
JINX HSC > <-- Cyvok
<+Ulviirala> life's a fucking bitch =)
<@GODmode> language
<+Ulviirala> life's a prospering woman who sells herself for money =)
* You were kicked from #brains by GODmode (nice try)
* Unable to join channel (address is banned)
Makmit > Who's the fleet tool?
hemimaori > u are
Lord Malketh > lol
qckrnu > not funny to laugh at a tool LM
Lord Malketh > tools are used for constructive purposes
Makmit > Except when they don't work
qckrnu > you bring up a good point
gregory j > nice catch guys
Draycar Hazaran > Thank you sir. Lucky really. o/
gregory j > son running towards new white carpet with shit on his leg
gregory j > it was that or the arazu
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