omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
Iracham > the uncertainty principle dictates that whenever two women are alone in a room, they are engaged in lesbian sex.
EmmDee Cutter > only if drinking is involved
Nornic Blaise > -_-
EmmDee Cutter > scratch that, if drinking is involved there is no uncertainty
Jeckt Mallix > is that why they always seem to go to the bathroom in pairs when out drinking?
Iracham > Yes.
Kyllashandra > thats a secret :P
Teyrala > that must be why they take so long too
Spork Witch > onegai: the one with the red X at the top right of the chat window lol
Onegai Oniisan > ooh.
Onegai Oniisan > Handy.
Spork Witch > onegai: all thanks are accepted in the form of isk ^_-
ISD PlayingCard > Spork - this channel is not a suitable venue for making financial arrangements. Do not Beg for ISK.
* Spork Witch facedesks
Zaheva > i'm bitter cant u tell
Shikaku > i thought you were british
Kayosoni ¦ go do something worthwhike
Kayosoni ¦ worthwhile*
Kurenin ¦ like tell you to go fuck yourself, Kayosoni
Kurenin ¦ hey lemme try
Kurenin ¦ hey Kayosoni
Kurenin ¦ you know what
Kurenin ¦ go fuck yourself
Kurenin ¦ o/
<zergl> but I still find in a 0.0 mining op, scouting a few systems out more exciting than doing the actual mining or hauling
<Ulviirala> And I don't like putting my baby in danger at all <3
<Ulviirala> It's some kind of a man to barge relationship...
* zergl carefully steps away from Ulviirala
Holmes Four > man alaph that is an ugly ship
Alaph Force > the mark 4 really is
Alaph Force > its that way to force you to train for the 5
Startica > uh oh,, i'm getting the urge to write more mining fairy tales
BaronVonMeunchousen > hehehe... I don't think 10 has heard any of those :)
Startica > lets see,,, there was goldie miner and the three roids
Startica > little red arknor roid
10of15 > lol
Startica > sleeping bistot
BaronVonMeunchousen > heheh... that's a good one :)
10of15 > brb
Startica > the pied miner of Hampinen
BaronVonMeunchousen > hehe :)
Startica > peter peter hemo eater
BaronVonMeunchousen > I'd feel sorry for that guy :)
Startica > he had a drone but couldn't keep her
Startica > for when the rats came out to play
Startica > peter had to run away
BaronVonMeunchousen > heh... that's good so far :)
Startica > peter piper poped a pack of prickley plagio
BaronVonMeunchousen > lol
10of15 > lol
Startica > Heomo's Oddesey
BaronVonMeunchousen > I don't think you can start that one correctly :)
Startica > Plagioisys falls in love with a beautiful roid named Heda of Trosquesere
BaronVonMeunchousen > lol... well that's a good start :)
Startica > cinderoida
10of15 > lol
Startica > The Dark Ocre
Startica > The Scord is a Stone
BaronVonMeunchousen > heh nice :)
Startica > King Arkanor and the Knights of the Roid Table
Startica > rofl
BaronVonMeunchousen > lol
10of15 > lol
Startica > the plagio and the popper
Startica > the three bistot roids gruff
10of15 > hairy veldspar and the prisoner of plagioclase
Startica > OMFG,, that's funny
10of15 > lol
Startica > indiana roid and the tempest of doom
BaronVonMeunchousen > rofl
BaronVonMeunchousen > tempest of doom... that's good :)
BaronVonMeunchousen > also... part of the series... indiana roid and the last crusader :)
Startica > nice
Startica > with the hemo grail
BaronVonMeunchousen > lol
BaronVonMeunchousen > arknor of the covenant :)
10of15 > lol
Startica > refined: indiana jaspet
BaronVonMeunchousen > where's the eve-imdb interface when you need it :)
Startica > :P
Startica > monty plagioclase and the quest for the hemo grail
10of15 > lol
BaronVonMeunchousen > hehehe
Startica > I fought outlaws and my drones won,,,
BaronVonMeunchousen > midnight in the garden of gniess and ocre :)
Startica > lol
Startica > the usual scordites
Startica > kernite sose
BaronVonMeunchousen > the hunt for red ocre :)
10of15 > lol
BaronVonMeunchousen > <grin> finding hemo :)
Startica > the fall of the hedgebrite of usher
Startica > lol
Startica > the raven :P
Startica > as i was alone in mining ore said the raven,,, nevermore
10of15 > lol
Startica > i like finding hemo
BaronVonMeunchousen > mine! :)
Startica > eternal omber of the scordless mine
BaronVonMeunchousen > lol... nice :)
Col Arran > my proctology exam is overdue
Jalak Bali > http://i.imgur.com/apk5t.gif related
Col Arran > that one gets me every time
Col Arran > thats a lot of lube though
Col Arran > you dont need that much
Col Arran > I mean....not like I know
Col Arran > dont listen to me
Kyrir Tovarisch experiance talking there Col Arran ?
Col Arran > I have no idea what youre talking about
Col Arran > no idea at all
Kyrir Tovarisch > so how long were you unable to sit properly?
Col Arran > we're uh not going to talk about that
Kaliesin > stupid stupid game
Hellspawn01 > thats not very good swearing
Kel Kracken > aftermoon
Hellspawn01 > moin
Kaliesin > this misbegooten, bastard child of a game, managed by It technicians whose incompetence makes goverment departments look organised, that I am paying for the priveledge to be annoyed, frustrated and generally made to feel ripped off by
Kaliesin > that better HS
Hellspawn01 > much
Hellspawn01 > now stop sweaing in alliance chat
Low Blow > yesterday in gang we were holding on a gate
Low Blow > then a hostile in local said : JUMP
Low Blow > half of the gang jumped into the hostile fleet and got pwnd
Femaref > LOL
Peter Powers > ROFL
Peter Powers > they earned it
Peter Powers > fucking lemmings
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