Top 150 Control Panel
quote #
Kederaji Tajorn > I have to tell you, 200 legos was not what I was expecting in a pair of Sansha badgers.
Lillith Blackheart > See? Proof that Sansha is friendly.
Lillith Blackheart > They bring the children toys.
Kederaji Tajorn > Ho ho ho?
Lillith Blackheart > Sansha Claus! o/
Jorias Kant > I never read any of the backstory. I just said "OMG SPACESHIPS" and started playing.
Rooker > england and america, 2 countries separated by a common language
Rooker > somebody in another channel just said "AFK, need to go suck on a fag"
Rooker > and I spit a whole mouthful of mountain dew clear across the living room
Negotiator > i hate my ant allergy
Negotiator > why can't i be allergic to something less pussy
Negotiator > like horse tailworms
Negotiator > or something like that
Meridius > ants?
Negotiator > i mean i sniff an ant and my eyes melt
Meridius > wtf are you sniffing ants
Vegeta > sniff ants alot?
(ProphetGuru)molle is the best really
(ProphetGuru)he posts like. "Hi, I'm molle"
(ProphetGuru)and their is 9 pages of flames
Devilish Ledoux > brb, must fight of rabid children
Devilish Ledoux > I won
Devilish Ledoux > barely
Devilish Ledoux > double dread munchkin spawn
Moppeux O'Mara > The mothership cannot take care of them?
Devilish Ledoux > they broke her tank
Stoick Furious > The mother ship is probably busy with someone elses thorax :)
Devilish Ledoux > and all of the sudden the metaphor takes a cruel turn
Jon Engel > I simply want to kill him for the sake of doing so, is what I should say
Nuri Aderynn > Careful, jon. Fear leads to anger, anger leads somewhere else, and I'm bored with this sentence already
Crackfarmer > im permabanned from the test server :/
Berious > what did you do?
Crackfarmer > i podkilled ovuer
Irina Primsky > Training of the skill Small Projectile Turret to level 1 has been completed.... whooo, there's a storm coming and its name is total pwnage
Quinn Oron > I wonder what it's like to be an asteroid.
Nidia Masters > god you're such a carebear
Quinn Oron > Oh quiet. So what if I have more skillpoints in Industry than in other areas?
Admiral Fridge > he makes up for it by being an awesome refiner
Quinn Oron > Yeah. If I ever catch you at a station with a 50% refinery, you'll be in trouble.
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