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(^1man_army) umm wtf
(Faldaani) Yes?
(^1man_army) why can't i talk? :/
(Faldaani) I muted you.
(^1man_army) for what reason
(Faldaani) Your little show with your friend levin
(^1man_army) what show?
(^1man_army) didn't know the word aids was banned :/
(Faldaani) It's not
(Faldaani) You were trolling though
(^1man_army) i just came in because i bought the game recently
(Faldaani) I'm sure you did
(Faldaani) And levin happened to join 4 seconds later
(^1man_army) i dont appreicate being discriminated because i know someone else
(Faldaani) Then you started humping eachother....
(^1man_army) he humped me tbh
(^1man_army) i didn't do anything wrong
(^1man_army) let me talk to your supervisor -_-
(Faldaani) You could always talk to devilhimself
(Faldaani) I'm guessing that you noticed that you've been muted again
(^1man_army) oh
(^1man_army) did i ever tell you, you have the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen? they flashed fire into my soul when i saw the light from them shine down on me.
(Faldaani) Right..
(^1man_army) how about you and i lose that channel and start our own?
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