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Sarnen > ok guys
Sarnen > im off. Prolly wont be back until the weekend
Dryr Lint > yes?
Sarnen > see you then.
Dryr Lint > x's and o's
Dryr Lint > wait
Dryr Lint > do you want me to get you a glass of milk and read you a carebear story first
Sarnen > yes, the one about the scary pirates and the ratting BS with the really slow align time
Sarnen > *shivers*
Dryr Lint > ok once upon a time
Dryr Lint > there was a little carebear named xhappyguyx
Sarnen > no no
Sarnen > Sir Ratsalot
Dryr Lint > ok
Dryr Lint > xSir Rastalotx
Dryr Lint > and he made good isk by running L4s in empire
Sarnen > in a pimped out MAelstrom!
Dryr Lint > ok in a pimped out maelstrom
Dryr Lint > but one day a strange man passing through local said "he there
Dryr Lint > "hey there, you know there's tons more isk to made in lowsec?"
Dryr Lint > the little carebear loved his isk
Garulf Hirgon > :)
Dryr Lint > so he aligned his maelstrom for the nearest lowsec gate
Dryr Lint > before jumping through, Mr. Concord officer told him
Dryr Lint > "There's much danger to be had in lowsec, little carebear, are you sure you want to go in?"
Dryr Lint > "Yes" said the little carebear, and he jumped away into lowsec
Dryr Lint > Now, the little carebear had heard that there were bigger rats in lowsec, so he immediately warped to one of the belts to look around
Dryr Lint > ine the first belt he found a macrominer
Dryr Lint > "Hello macrominer, how's the macromining today?"
Dryr Lint > but the macrominer didn't respond because he was a macrominer
Dryr Lint > so the little carebear warped to the second belt
Dryr Lint > here he found many large rats worth a lot of isk, so he successfully engaged them and moved onto 2 more belts where he repeated this process
Dryr Lint > but while the little carebear was making isk, he had forgotten one of the most important rules of lowsec
Dryr Lint > "always watch local"
Dryr Lint > if he had been watching local, he would have seen that 4 shadowy figures had entered the system
Dryr Lint > and one of them was the shady character from earlier
Sarnen > the guy from Concord?
Dryr Lint > NO SHUT UP
Garulf Hirgon > rofl
Dryr Lint > He found a Taranis waiting for him
Dryr Lint > instantly he knew he had just made a grave mistake
Dryr Lint > he tried to align for the gate back to highsec, but his battleship was warp scrambled in a matter of seconds
Dryr Lint > soon all of the shadowy figures were circling his battleship
Dryr Lint > "Ehehehehe", said the shadowy figure from empire
Dryr Lint > "That'll teach you little carebears to come into our lowsec!"
Dryr Lint > and they blasted the poor carbear's ship to smithereens
Dryr Lint > the interceptor then got a lock on the carebear's escape pod, and it was also destroyed along with the carebear's set of +5 implants which he had saved up for months to get
Garulf Hirgon > that sounds about right
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