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Sarnen > Once upon a time there was 3 little carebears running missions in Gelfiven. Along came a 0.0 pilot who invited them to join FREGE in Outer Ring.
Sarnen > Two little carebears joined up with FREGE and moved their assets to 0.0.
Sarnen > the other little carebear was too frightened and stayed in Empire. He later knocked up his wife and had to quit Eve cause he was a fag.
Garulf Hirgon > (lol)
Sarnen > The other two carebear went to 0.0. They could only fly frigs, but were told to get on the gate with a point and mwd and make themselves useful.
Sarnen > Little did they know that FREGE had just gotten steamrolled by the Russians out of the Drone Lands.
Sarnen > And now Triumvirate was coming to kill them off. The two little carebears tried to help, but Tri's hacs were too much for their Vigils.
Garulf Hirgon > :(
Sarnen > Frege fell apart and they moved to Cloud Ring where they made new friends. But the second little carebear had ADD and he quit to play Darkfall. He was also a fag.
Garulf Hirgon > hah
Sarnen > Then they tried to take Cloud Ring and failcascaded.
Sarnen > and then they retied to take Immensea and failcascaded.
Garulf Hirgon > heh
Sarnen > Then they moved to Branch and got reset by the NC.
Sarnen > The End.
Sarnen > for now
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