Pheobe McKree > Captian Da thought it would be funny to joike about HIV
Captain Da > Turns out I was right, it was hilarious. I can mail you the whole transcript if you like.
Cesti Caldai > lol
Pheobe McKree > and when I objected, I became the target of all their vile hate
Captain Da > Nice vile hate guys, you all did a great job today.
* Captain Da highfives everyone
T92M > o/
Captain Da > Turns out I was right, it was hilarious. I can mail you the whole transcript if you like.
Cesti Caldai > lol
Pheobe McKree > and when I objected, I became the target of all their vile hate
Captain Da > Nice vile hate guys, you all did a great job today.
* Captain Da highfives everyone
T92M > o/