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Butcher Rabbit > I lubs Dominion...but not as much as Phi, my rifter
Miss Emopants > lol
Butcher Rabbit > Emo, will you conduct the ceremony for when I marry Phi?
SocomTedd > lol
Miss Emopants > lol sure.
Butcher Rabbit > woot
Butcher Rabbit > I figure Jan 17 is a nice date
Miss Emopants > lol
SocomTedd > we are gathered here today to join together Butcher Rabbit and Phi in holy matrimony.Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?Marriage was originated by God. Our thinking on the subject has its basis in the divine revelation we call
SocomTedd > the Bible.
Butcher Rabbit > lol
SocomTedd > so let us now read from God's word, the Bible.
Miss Emopants > are we marrying in the amarr fashion?
SocomTedd > Then God said, ' Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness
SocomTedd > let them have dominion
Miss Emopants > do we need to slaughter some slaves for the occassion?
SocomTedd > over all earth
SocomTedd > so God created man in his own image
SocomTedd > in the image of God He created him
SocomTedd > male and female
SocomTedd > he created them
Butcher Rabbit > why not Emo? We'll combine Minnie and Amarr wedding styles
SocomTedd > Amarr and Minnie wedding styles?
SocomTedd > ok
SocomTedd > So God created salvage
Butcher Rabbit > yeah...Slaughter slaves, minnies toasting and crying for their dead
SocomTedd > and with salvage man created minmatar ships
SocomTedd > God blessed the salvage and God said to them
SocomTedd > Be fruitful and miltiply
SocomTedd > fill the earth and subdue it
SocomTedd > have dominion
SocomTedd > and the Lord God said
SocomTedd > it is not good that man should be alone
SocomTedd > i will make him a helper comparable to him
Butcher Rabbit > lol
Miss Emopants > lmfao
Butcher Rabbit > Do you think 200 crates of Duct Tape as a dowry is sufficient?
SocomTedd > Butcher Rabbit
Miss Emopants > lmfao
Butcher Rabbit > yes?
SocomTedd > after hearing the admonition of scripture, do you Butcher Rabbit, now take this
SocomTedd > wats its name again?
SocomTedd > Phi?
Butcher Rabbit > Phi, yes
SocomTedd > do you Butcher Rabbit, now take this Phi, whose salvage you hold, to be your Ship, and do you solemnly promise
SocomTedd > before God and these witnesses, that you will love and honor Phi according to the instruction of God's Word.
SocomTedd > and that forsaking all others for Phi alone
SocomTedd > you will be faifful to Phi so long as you both shall live?
Butcher Rabbit > I do so swear
Miss Emopants > ahahaha
SocomTedd > Miss emo
SocomTedd > may i hae the rings please
Miss Emopants > lmfao
Miss Emopants > /emote hands over rings.
SocomTedd > As a token that you will faifully perform these vows, you will now exchange rings.
SocomTedd > tjhe ring is an endless circle
SocomTedd > a symbol of the covenant you are making here today
SocomTedd > (sounds like halo now)
Butcher Rabbit > lmfao
SocomTedd > Butcher Rabbit, as you place the ring on Phi's finger say
SocomTedd > As i place this ring on your finger, i pledge myself to you, i am yous
SocomTedd > yours*
Butcher Rabbit > /emote places the ring on Phi's...finger we'll call it, and says
Butcher Rabbit > As I place this ring on your finger, I pledge Myself to You. I am Yours.
SocomTedd > you may light your unity candle now as a symbol of your new union.
Butcher Rabbit > /emote lights the unity candle, using a cable from Phi's turret control system
Miss Emopants > lol
SocomTedd > Now that you, Butcher Rabbit and Phi, have agreed together to enter the holy state of marriage, before God, and these witnesses of your vow, i therefore, by virtue of authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel, pronounce oyu husband and wife,
SocomTedd > one together in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ./
Butcher Rabbit > /emote duct tapes the cable back in place with gold duct tape
SocomTedd > What God has joined together, let no one divide.
SocomTedd > and now may the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you in this new relationship forevermore.
SocomTedd > ladies and gentlemen, please bow your heads for prayer
SocomTedd > Lord God, i ask you to crown this union and their descendants
Miss Emopants > /emote bows her head and folds her hands.
SocomTedd > with all temporal and spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus
SocomTedd > that they may be a blessing in this world of people
SocomTedd > you love
SocomTedd > Amen
SocomTedd > Ladies and gentlemen, i present Mr and Mrs. Rabbit
SocomTedd > you may kiss the bride
SocomTedd > or bridge
SocomTedd > salvage?
Miss Emopants > /emote cheers??
Butcher Rabbit > /emote kisses Phi's pod connection, and ignores the minor eletrical jolt
SocomTedd > you know
SocomTedd > i missed about half of it out
SocomTedd > lol
Butcher Rabbit > Okay, can someone check my bio and tell me if my wedding announcement shows
SocomTedd > at the start
Miss Emopants > you know
Butcher Rabbit > I know Socom, but that was still well done
SocomTedd > ye
Miss Emopants > that was possibly the strangest thing in eve i have ever witnessed.
Butcher Rabbit > lol
SocomTedd > lol
Miss Emopants > how the hell does socom know how to hold a wedding ceremony? lol
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