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TheDuke2k > hi
Sorofles > Hey!
Sorofles > *just removed a penis from the front page of EveFiles by uploading 7 screenshots of X3 to cover it up* xD
TheDuke2k > indeed
Sorofles > I'm not kidding
TheDuke2k > i know...
Sorofles > xD
Sorofles > How do you know? ;p
TheDuke2k > you dont joke around
Sorofles > Its a bit weird
Sorofles > I was talking to a friend on MSN
Sorofles > got me talking to a friend of hers
Sorofles > he was talking to me on skype
Sorofles > then webcammed me and started masturbating
Sorofles > I was like o.0 Hi!
TheDuke2k > lol
TheDuke2k > wtf moment
Sorofles > So I start telling Drakos some random guy is masturbating on my screen over skype
Drakos Khan > and the rest we can see on the screenshot...
Sorofles > he didn't believe me
Drakos Khan > :P
Sorofles > So I took a screenshot to prove it
Sorofles > and removed all the names and shit
Sorofles > uploaded it to evefiles
Sorofles > then FUCK
Drakos Khan > i didn't think he'd actually upload it to evefiels...
Sorofles > it shows the most recent image uploads on the front page
Drakos Khan > thats why :D
Sorofles > so I'm like SHIT there's a big cock on the front page of Eve Files
Sorofles > even worse
Sorofles > it showed like...well my name and the guys name and Drakos' MSN address and stuff
Sorofles > so I hurriedly brush it out with a rubber and reupload it!
TheDuke2k > fuck moment
Sorofles > now there's TWO cock images
TheDuke2k > lmfao
Sorofles > one with loads of details, and one with all the important details brushed out so you know just where they all are
Sorofles > panic is now setting in
Sorofles > I try to upload 2 images of a foot to cover it up
Sorofles > but the foots don't show up for some reason
Sorofles > so I take a screenshot of X3 and upload it 8 times
Sorofles > and the cocks are gone!
Sorofles > PHEW
TheDuke2k > btw
TheDuke2k > lists all the uploads for this month
Sorofles > Oh...CUNT
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