Individual Quote Control Panel
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Nikana > Fetish? What sort...
Kale Ryoko > I'm not entirely sure on its particular genre... something to do with a Plush... or something...
* Waldemarr Heirens nods to Nico > I see,must be the emotions from the ceremony then
* Kyoko Sakoda chuckles, whispering in Kale's ear
Nikana > Oh, plushies? They're cute. I like them too.
Kyoko Sakoda > (( oh holy shit look what I just did ))
Nicodiemus > ((newb! Haha)
Xav Vorbarra > haha
Kale Ryoko > (( omg... ))
-- Kyoko Sakoda, after accidentally sending the following mail to alliance instead of Kale Ryoko --
2005.03.19 22:34:00
I know what I have a fetish for ;)
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