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Arth Lawing > o/
Arth Lawing > my hangover is cured
Cassius Paulus > I prefer hangover avoided to hangover cured, personally.
Cassius Paulus > but I'm not an Irish drunkard... :)
Arth Lawing > i was celebrating
Leontius Reverte > you are always celebrating :p
Arth Lawing > it was friday
Leontius Reverte > have a work party tonight, guessing i may feel interesting in the morning
Cassius Paulus > lol
Arth Lawing > smoke break afk5
Cassius Paulus > smoking, drinking... all he needs is whoring to have the Trifecta of Sin
Cassius Paulus > sure would be fun thouhg... :)
Arth Lawing > i had to give up whoring
Arth Lawing > they werent paying me enough
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