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Fellivaril > Matti is hardcore enough for us all the way i hear it he can take down a titan win a kessie while only fitted with 1 rocket laucher
dysje > yes matt is pretty hardcore
dysje > matt is so hardcore, he can titan jump a titan himself
Fellivaril > i hear he can titan jump without the titan!!!!
dysje > that too
Unholy GiT > i hear he can titan jump a ibis
Mattias Kerensky > I am in fact that hardcore.
Fellivaril > you hear that also i thought it was a myth
Mattias Kerensky > I am so hardcore I can oneshot 5 titans at the same time. With a Civilian Gatling Autocannon.
Fellivaril > i call BS on that one
Mattias Kerensky > /emote blows up felli
Fellivaril > WOW he podded me with his thoughts
Mattias Kerensky > /emote wins.
Fellivaril > ALL HAIL MATTI
Mattias Kerensky > /emote accepts the accolades of his subjects.
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