Aquillar > theres a scorp in escrow titled..
Aquillar > "SCORPION **yellow interior** **alloys** **needs attention** **inspect** **phat**"
COJOi > omg
Aquillar > 74 mill
Aquillar > *claims*
Aquillar > I just want to bling bling with my alloys and yellow interior
COJOi > corp builds for 56
Aquillar > wow it even came with a microwave oven!
COJOi > does it have in-dash navigation?
Aquillar > "SCORPION **yellow interior** **alloys** **needs attention** **inspect** **phat**"
COJOi > omg
Aquillar > 74 mill
Aquillar > *claims*
Aquillar > I just want to bling bling with my alloys and yellow interior
COJOi > corp builds for 56
Aquillar > wow it even came with a microwave oven!
COJOi > does it have in-dash navigation?