Individual Quote Control Panel
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Shotz11 > theo u dont seem to have a sense of humor
Theo Samaritan > i have a humour
Shotz11 > i was kidding......dont be super cereal
Theo Samaritan > it just doesnt involve being a jerk
Ressiv > Shotz, your joke eluded me as well ....
Theo Samaritan > infact you're probably the only one who found it funny
Ressiv > it only made me wanna pod you
Theo Samaritan > and if THAT is your humour, you will not get far
Shotz11 > well thats fine if you wanna pod me
Shotz11 > ill just wait till im good nuff join my friend will let me join his
Ressiv > .... learn 2 things fast if you plan on staying: dont brag with other's skills, be carefull who you smartmouth
Theo Samaritan > third rule: learn to fucking spell
Theo Samaritan > its hard to understand people as it is in a fleet situation
Theo Samaritan > let alone while trying to read text speak
Theo Samaritan > you have a full alphabet infront of you courtesy of the QWERTY layout, kindly use all keys available.
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