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< JW|Bear> Welcome to the wonderful world of SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0, of which no result is returned containing my name ;)
< JW|Bear> I am learning though, so thank you :)
< Ego_Elf> clue > 0 indicates having more than one type of clue
< Ego_Elf> and i dunno about that
< Ego_Elf> i'm clueless
< Ego_Elf> but i see clue in there
< JW|Bear> it's implied that clue = 0 means clueless...
< JW|Bear> bad joke... tough crowd...
< Ego_Elf> lol
< Ego_Elf> i knew i had multiple personalities, but nobody ever called me a crowd before
* JW|Bear facepalms
< Ego_Elf> sry, couldn't resist :)
< JW|Bear> Yeah I know...
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